"I'm sorry."

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The boys were waiting for Y/N to wake up. They didn't get any word on Akio.

"I hope Akio is okay." Taehyung said.

"Same. I wonder how Y/N will feel." Jimin said.

"She is probably gonna blame herself." Joon said. The boys agreed.

"Get some rest boys. We will let you know when she wakes up. The boys nodded.

~Y/N's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes and it was a little light. I looked out and seen the sun shining. I closed my eyes and blinked. I looked at my body and seen IVs attached to me. I freaked out. "No no." I kept saying.

"Y/N." The boys said. I grabbed a rag and put it on the IV. I ripped the cords off. I got up. "Y/N stop what are you doing?" The boys were trying to stop me. I walked out of the hall. The boys grabbed me.

"NO WHERE IS HE?!" I yelled pushing the boys off of me. The doctor ran to me.

"Calm down." The doctor said.

"Where is Akio? He is my baby brother." I growled.

"Ma'am you need to calm down and go to your room." He said.

"Not until you tell me the condition of my brother. He is under my custody. None of our family want him or even me. He is pretty much all I have that cares for me and I care for so tell me please." I begged. The doctor sighed.

"Come with me." He said. I followed with the boys following behind me. My heart was raising. My head started spinning. I kept thinking the worse. I looked down and dragged my feet. He opened the door and I seen cords attached to him and my heart shattered. I ran to him crying.

"He has a concussion. He hit his head hard. Whatever happened he got dropped. We don't know if he will have memory loss. We only hope for the best. He seems like a strong boy so I think he will be just fine." He said. I fell to my knees crying.

"Thank you Doctor." Manager and PDnim said. I hugged myself on the cold hard floor. Yoongi placed his jacket on me.

"I'm sorry." PDnim said.

"Should we at least sue them for hurt a child and an idol?" Joon said.

"Yes we will." PDnim said. "You guys will stay here with the manager and I will go to the police station where they got sent." The boys nodded. Yoongi helped me up while I barely moved. He wrapped the jacket around me more and had Kook pick me up. He placed me in the chair. I checked for my phone.

"Here." Jin said giving me my phone. I bowed a little. I grabbed it while shaking. 'Should I call my our parents?' "Fuck it." I said and called them. They answered.

"Hello?" They said.

"It's me Y/N. Hi eomma and appa."

"Why are you calling?" Eomma said. I sighed.

"Akio is in the hospital." I said.

"And it isn't our problem. He is in your custody." Appa said. I clenched my fists.

"How can you say that about your own son?!" I yelled. I started lightly crying.

"We didn't want him." Eomma said.

"You are cruel parents. You are selfish and only care about yourself. You should have aborted me before I showed up. I surprised you kept me for that long." I said. The boys started crying.

"Yeah you are right but we didn't. You should be lucky. You wouldn't have survived without us." They said. I scoffed.

"Idiots. Pure idiots. I could have survived without you. I suffered when I was with you and finally at freedom. I'm surviving without your help and look where it got me. I'm a Kpop Idol in an amazing group. Akio and them are my only family. I hope in the future, you learn respect and love because right now, you aren't going to get it from me." I said. They were about to say something but I hung up. I tossed my phone on the table.

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