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I was getting ready while the boys waited outside for me. "I hope I can get through this. I hope we all can." I started tearing up. I got dressed and put my hair up in a messy bun.

I put on my mask and glasses

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I put on my mask and glasses. I grabbed my bag and put my phone in my back pocket. I opened the door. They looked at me. Akio was with Tae and Hobi. I signed papers. I walked towards the door with the boys following. The bodyguards opened the door and I started to walk out. I seen the reporters.

"Y/n, why did you have to go to the hospital?"

"How are you gonna handle the hate?"

I froze in my spot. They were slowly getting closer and I started to panic and shake.

"Y/n, are you gonna quit BTS?" I kept thinking about that question all in my mind. The bodyguards got in front of me while the boys were behind me. I looked and started walking with my head down and started to shed tears. I got in the van and sat down with my face in my hands the boys sat around me.

"Y/n, don't listen to them. Ignore them. They are trying to get to you." Joon said. Someone hugged me and I didn't know who it was.

"Noona please be strong." Kook said. I can hear the sadness in his voice. He wants to cry. I buried my face in his chest and hugged him. I started to cry more. I held on his shirt tight.

"I-i c-can't k-kook." I sobbed. I can hear him cry.

"Please noona. Try for us. For ARMYs that love you. For Akio. Please try and push." He said. I nodded. We hugged and I started to get sleepy. I felt my hands fall.

~Kook's POV~

Y/n was crying for a few minutes and I started crying until I felt her grip loosen. I moved back and she fell foward. I moved my body and layed her head in my lap. I grabbed her glasses and wiped her tears. I wiped my tears. The boys and Akio looked at me.

"What are we going to do?" Hobi hyung said worried. They looked at Y/n asleep on my lap.

"We will talk about it when we get to the dorms or we can talk about it at the company. All of us just need some rest." Joon said.

"Don't forget we have new albums coming and practices. We also have performances at awards." Taehyung said. After a few minutes, we got to the apartment. I slowly shook Y/n. She didn't move. I sighed. I slowly lifted her body up. She groaned and hugged me. I looked at the hyungs. They looked at me.

"Just pick her up." Yoongi hyung said. I slowly picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me. I bent a little so I can get out. I seen some cameras.

"Oh no." I said. I held Y/n and she wrapped her arms around my neck and put her head on my shoulder. I walked to the front door with the hyungs following behind. We got inside and I went up to her room. I slowly removed her from me and layed her on the bed. Jimin hyung came and set her bag down. I took her shoes and mask off. I covered her. I set her pills on the night stand. Me and hyung went out closing her door. Akio ran to us.

"I'm gonna go lay with Noona and keep an eye on her." Akio said. I bent down and ruffled his hair.

"Okay buddy. If anything happens, come to one of us." I said. He nodded and walked to Y/n's door. We left down to the living room. I sat down next to Taehyung. PD and Manager hyungnim went up front.

"Do you guys want to talk now or talk tomorrow when everyone is up?" PD asked.

"I don't think we should talk at all about the situation." I said looking down. I know they looked at me. "It will only make situations worse on everyone. I just think with a couple goodnights rest, everyone with be fine." I looked at them. "It's already stressful with the reporters and dispatch and more stressful for Noona in this situation. I know she is strong. I know she can get through this. I don't like seeing Noona and my Hyungs cry and in stressful situations because it makes me feel useless and like I can't help so we should just drop it and not have a meeting." I sighed and looked back down.

"If the rest of you agree then we won't have a meeting." Manager said.

"We agree." Joon said.

"Okay then get some rest and head to the company in 2 days so Y/n and everyone can get some energy in. Let us know if anything happens." PD said. We nodded.

"Let's go sleep for a little then I will cook lunch." Jin hyung said.

"Okay." We said and left to our rooms.

~Y/n's POV~

I woke up and Akio was sleeping. I looked at him. "I'm sorry Akio for being weak in front of you." I got up and seen the pills with a glass of water. I took my pills and checked the time. It's lunch. I shook Akio a little. He hugged me automatically. I hugged him and set him down. We went downstairs. I didn't see the boys. I was confused. I went to the dining room. I seen them. Akio ran and sat down.

"Perfect timing." Jin oppa said. They looked at me. I took a deep breath. I sat down. They started to eating.

"Thank you Kookie for earlier." I looked at him. He nodded and smiled.

"It's no problem Noona. We will always be there for you. No matter what." He smiled wide. We continued eating.

"Y/n, PD is letting us rest for 2 days and then we will go to the company." Joonie said.

"Okay thank you for letting me know and I also took my pills before I came down." I said looking at him.

"Okay." He said. Hobi and Tae were trying to cheer everyone up. It worked on everyone but me. I zoned out. I was able to finish my food, surprisingly. Everyone finished. 

"I'll do dishes and no one will argue. I want to help." I said. They looked at me. "I won't be overworking. I'll relax after I'm done. I promise." 

"Okay but dishes will be all you do." Jin oppa said. I nodded.

"Thank you oppa." I said and headed to the kitchen. I started to do dishes. My phone dinged. I looked at it. 

"Jungkook holding Y/n. Are they secretly dating? Jungkook and Y/n are always intimate."

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