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"Did you hear, Chenle and Naeun broke up at the party last friday."

I was in class eating my small breakfast when I over heard the conversation that Hani and Sarang were having. Hani and Sarang were both very popular at our school. They were the typical school mean girls but that didn't stop others from envying everything about them. They were both beautiful and from very wealthy families. They practically got everything they wanted, well almost everything.

"I told you he wouldn't last with that bitch." Sarang grinned as she spoke to Hani. "Now that she's out of the way he will finally notice me and realize that I'm the one meant for him."

I rolled my eyes.

"Chenle would never date a girl with such an ugly personality for long." I muttered inaudibly under my breath.

"I made him a sweet last night so he will feel better. He will have to notice me when I give it to him."

Sarang pulled out what looked like a brownie wrapped in a pretty plastic.

"Wow it looks so delicious!" Hani widened her eyes. "He's definitely going to fall in love with you."

"I know." Sarang confidently bragged.

"What did you put in it? I want to try making one at home for Jeno."

Jeno was one of Chenle's friends and was also a popular soccer player at our school. I'm assuming Hani must have a crush on him along with all the other girls at our school. If I was being honest even I found Jeno extremely handsome.

"I found the recipe online. You need milk, 2 eggs, flour, cocoa powder, sugar, and peanuts."

Did she say peanuts? Chenle is allergic to peanuts!

The morning bell rang and quickly more students began filling the class.

"Y/N~" Suyeon sang as soon as she saw me and sat down in her seat.

"How are you feeling?" She asked with a slight frown on her face. "Jungwoo told me about your dad."

"Oh that, I'm fine." I quickly replied and focused on finding Chenle. I had to warn him not to eat the sweet Sarang had made him.

I finally saw him walk into the class but my view was instantly blocked by a happy Yangyang.

"Good morning." He cheerfully greeted me.

"Morning." I greeted him and focused my attention back on Chenle.

When my eyes found him Sarang was already standing in front of his seat giving him the bag.

"Y/N are you okay? You seem a little out of it."

"Perfectly fine." I sighed and stood up.

I don't know what came over me but I walked up to Chenle's desk and pulled the open bag away from him. Without thinking, I shoved the whole brownie in my mouth.

"What are you doing you freak!" Sarang yelled catching everyone's attention. "I made that for Chenle."

Chenle on the other hand stared at me with an almost amused expression.

I tried to swallow but began to choke on the dry bread.

He stood up, opening his water bottle and slowly fed me the water till I washed it all down.

"What can I say, I love peanuts?" I shrugged and lowered my head in embarrassment.

"So you had to steal someone else's sweet? You are such a freak!" She raised her voice and pushed me back.

Lovely Nights || Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now