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"How about this?" Sarang asked as I laid bored on her bed.

She was standing by the mirror of her large walk-in closet, holding a dress to her body.

"Cute." I unenthusiastically replied.

She groaned and threw the dress on her bed. "Yah! That's what you said about the last six outfits."

"Because they were all cute, what else do you want me to say?"

She frowned and crossed her arms. "I don't know. Tell me that I look better than that ugly bitch." I knew she was referring to Chenle's first year girlfriend.

"Why do you need me to tell you something that you should already know?"

She groaned and fell face first on to her bed. "How do you manage to always look so unbelievably hot at parties?" She sighed.

"I don't." I felt myself blush.

"Uh, yes you do bitch." She sarcastically replied. "You practically had all the guys at our school drooling over you that one night at Jeno's party."

"No I didn't." I stared at the bed sheet avoiding her gaze.

"Yes you did." She giggled. "Well.....can I tell you a secret, but you have to promise you won't say anything."

"S-Sure." I hesitantly agreed.

"That night Jaemin spun the bottle during the game, it didn't land on you." I furrowed my eyebrows. What was she talking about? "It landed on a girl that was sitting next to Haechan. You were too distracted to notice but he quickly paid her to give up her turn and he positioned the bottle so that it was pointing at you."

"He what!" I almost yelled.

"Chill." Sarang laughed. "It's not like it matters now, I mean you two are dating."

"I guess that's true." I mumbled.

"But that just proves my point. You had every guy willing to do anything just to get seven minutes alone with you."

Jaemin was my boyfriend so it shouldn't matter, but why was I mad? Would he and I even be dating if he had never done that?

My head began to hurt thinking of all the possibilities that could have happened if I had gone in that closet with someone else. What if that someone was Chenle?

I mentally slapped myself and shook the idea from my mind.

"I'm hungry." I blurted out trying to prevent myself from thinking anything else.

"But you haven't helped me choose and outfit yet." Sarang whined.

I sighed loudly, dragging myself to her closet. Another headache set in when I saw the amount of clothes she had in her closet. I guess those were the perks of being rich, having more clothes than you could ever use.

Sarang was the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in South Korea. It was the reason she was so popular, not because anyone actually liked her. Well I did. In reality I think she was just misunderstood. Her mother died when she was young but her father never cared. He was too busy with his mistress to ever pay any attention to them. When her mother passed he wasted no time in marrying his mistress who was only 20 at the time. Sarang hated her and her father for that very reason. Unfortunately she dealt with her hate and anger by causing trouble at her school, which ultimately led her to being expelled from one of the most prestigious private schools in Seoul. That's how she ended up at regular old Hanin High School.

A short silver sparkly dress caught my attention. I held it up to my body and looked at it in the mirror.

"This one." I smirked and showed it off to her.

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