Chapter 6 ~ Interagation

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* Unique *

Me and Camille sat on the couches across from each other before heading a bang on the door. Camille frowned at me and sighed before getting up and opening the door. I heard quiet words exchanged before footsteps walking my way. Dontrell looked down at me taking his glasses off and grabbing my arm tightly. I rolled my eyes as we headed back towards the door.

"See you inna few." Dontrell said.

"Again I apologize." Camille said with a hint of sadness in her voice as Dontrell dragged me to his car. He moved me into the passenger seat as I kept my devilish smirk on my face. I could care less about what was about to happen. A few bruises is nothing I haven't gotten before. Maybe he'll recognize me, it's not the first time he's seen me. After a while we arrived at a park. It's about 5:30 right now so no kids are out here, just gangs. We walked through the crowd as I heard whisperings. I looked up at Dontrell who continued walking.

"Cover up whore!" Someone yelled at me making his whole crew laugh. Dontrell stopped in place looking at me, who didn't take a second to respond. I ran in my heels over to him and chocked him pinning him up to a tree. The park grew silent, not even the wildlife made a sound. As he tried to claw away all I could do was smirk.

"You should learn how to talk to a lady." I said letting him go and walking away as Dontrell waited till I was back to by his side to grab my arm tightly.

"Don't do something dumb like that again." He whispered aggressively.

"You can move your damn arm. It wasn't stupid it was me protecting myself, if it was Camille you would've killed his ass." I said moving my arm away. He glared at me but continued to walk to the farthest back Picnic table. He looked at me, giving me the signal to sit down. I sat down at a picnic table as I felt eyes on me. I rolled my eyes before scrolling through Instagram on my phone. After a while I saw Dontrell stuff a stack of money in his pocket and nod at me to get up. We walked back to his car so I could face this night.

I was brought to a secluded area with niggas smoking inside. At this point was when Dontrell definitely held my arm tight as shit. I didn't fight because I knew this wasn't about to be fun. We walked down the stairs to a basement with white tarps on the wall and on the floor. Dontrell pushed me in the chair and tied me up. He grabbed a chair sitting across from me.

"So let's start off with something easy who the hell are you?"

"Unique Tough Williams."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I know my own name."

"Don't get smart with me I'm trying to be nice." He said grinding his teeth.

"My name is Unique Tough Williams."

"That's funny because there's no trace of you anywhere."

"I know I've had it all erased."


"That's my business Mr. Russo."

"Okay since you aren't giving anything up. How about I ask you who did you bury last night."

"My mother." I said as my facial expressions stayed blank.

Ms. Tough Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن