Chapter 18 - The Runaway

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* Ryann *
* Back in the US *

I sat there on the couch scrolling through my phone waiting for Don to walk back in so we can go back to Netflix. He's been arranging something special for a little while. Well what can I say about my life? It's good, my mom and siblings are in NY, not hiding, I have Donatello as a best friend, secure jobs, and a home to stay in. There's nothing to complain, people would die to have this life and it's been handed to me.

I started to walk out into the hallway to make sure Donatello didn't bail on me again. He does that a lot when he has work to do. As I snuck around the corner I stopped frozen by the name "Cristian." There must be millions of Cristians, right? I continued to listen just in case, it was my Cristian. After I heard my name and the words "auction, and buy." Fear immediately grew over my body as the words sunk in. Was he selling me to Cristian?

I grabbed a purse I could carry, along with all money I had, and weapons. After that I ran to the nearest car I could steal and headed off towards New York. I needed my mother, I needed to get away. I listened to a whole bunch of sad songs, and cried a whole bunch on the way there. Eventually I remembered my phone could be hacked so I called my mom, and threw it out. I didn't look back I couldn't, or I would've went back.

* hours later *

I arrived at the upstate mansion and continued to cry. I missed my father, who wouldn't even talk to me. We aren't family anymore. I wiped off my tears not wanting my family to see me this way before getting out the car. I checked my surroundings noticing multiple SUVs. As I moved closer towards the house. I noticed some windows were broken into. My eyes widened, as I grabbed my gun. I put it in my hand as I moved forward looking for where my family was. Donatello must not have sent his smartest people, because they were just in the living room, almost complete in front of the door! I silently chuckled, making sure my gun was on a silent. I looked around 5 men. I rolled my eyes, and knocked over the watering bucket. The one closest to the door came out, I grabbed him and shot him in the head. Next I strolled In the house, as there eyes widened that I would just show my face.

"You know boss is looking for you?" One said as I smiled, while he walked up to me. I grabbed a knife from my back pocket, stabbing him multiple times.

"I'm not stupid." I said as the next one ran up to me about to punch me. I turned around and grabbed his fist, turning it until I heard a crack. Then once he was down I shot him in the leg.

"Oops." I said like a little girl in a Disney movie, allowing my hand to cover my mouth and all. I looked at the other too, and at my siblings. My younger sister, had her eye on one in particular out of the 2 men still standing. I took the tape off of her mouth, and she spitted at him. I looked at the fire in her eyes and chuckled. I grabbed a gun shooting him in the head before looking at the other man.

"I can't go back without you or he'll kill me. He's been grumpy for hours!" He begged as I smirked.

"Let your boss know what I've done here and to leave me alone. I've been on the run before I'll do it again, don't send men or they'll die. Just stay away." I said as he walked out. I turned my attention to my family who watched me untie them. They all got up and hugged me and I could only feel the need to cry. "Hurry and get your stuff!" I said going outside to find the nearest car, then driving it back to the house. There wasn't much but everyone had at least a bookbag full. I felt bad and drove off, next stop Virginia. It's so close he'd never expect it!

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