Chapter 29 - High feelings

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* Ominous Pov *

As everyone got on the jet, high feelings were in the air. Hailey just wanted to get back to her little girl and get away from all of this. Her little girl was innocent which made her feel that way sometimes, but of course she wasn't. Her husband, Mattia on the other hand was excited. After this adventure he decided he wanted to get back in business with his brother. One day they promised they were gonna take on the world together and well Mattia still planned on it. He was also happy to see the change in his younger brother, the happiness being caused by this girl. He was curious on what was so special about her.

Camille was lonely you could say. She saw Ryann and Donatello and she wanted that in life. She just wasn't sure if she'd ever get it. Ryann just had it all out for her, and what did Camille have? A criminal record she was already put into a category just because of her last name, Russo. She couldn't take it anymore she just wanted someone to love her and go ahead and laugh at the girl who loved to easily. That's what they all do.

Orlando was happy to go back home. Why you may ask? Orlando had a secret girlfriend to get back too. He knocked her up, but he doesn't know that yet. To him it's just all fun but too her he's her soulmate. He was happy just to see her again, she was beautiful and he wasn't complaining.

Ryann was nervous out of her mind. She wasn't ready to confess her feelings but she knew she'd have to do it eventually. With Christian it was easy, they never talk about this stuff. They just assumed that they loved each other. What he didn't know is that she actually loved him, and he broke her heart. She did what tough girls do best, she tried to fight over and over. Eventually she got tired and left she wasn't going to go insane over a man. She would've continued fighting until she died and she wasn't going to waste her life on a man who wouldn't do the same for her. On the other hand Ryann still couldn't stop thinking about what Lauren said. Christian was looking for me. I just wished he stayed away, why do I fall for the dangerous ones. The thing is since him I've grown, I've trained, I've became the best version of myself and I don't plan on changing now.

Donatello had a hundred different thoughts he had thoughts about everyone and everything. His highest were about Ryann right now. He didn't know what to think about her nor how to feel. She was special, dangerous, kind, smart, caring, and lastly beautiful. Even if she was the most ugly girl in the world he'd still somehow be attracted to her. He didn't know why though but she was perfect just for him. If only she knew how perfect she actually was. Then he also thought about Christian, he wasn't going to let him lay a hand on Ryann. What if he had to go out and Christian broke in. What if Christian hurt her? What if he'd killed her? He couldn't think about that though because she was probably more scared then he was. He wasn't scared for himself though, he was scared for her. The loss of her; would be too much to handle.

Then he thought of his older brother, Mattia. What would he do with him? Would he welcome him back with open arms? He knew his brother didn't have a problem coming back, working with him. He still didn't know how to feel. That's family but family doesn't do what he did. Maybe he should just put him to a test, to see what his true intentions are. Then Donatello thought of his little brother Orlando. He knew about his girlfriend and how happy she made him. He was just scared she'd distract him from work, from family. He saw her on video and she seemed pretty, Orlando's type. Orlando isn't the kind to settle down and Donatello only hoped he'd grow that way over time, and out of this man whore phase. Then Donatello thought of his sister. He knew she wanted a family she just fell in love too easily and with the wrong guys. She ended up hurt and he ended up pissed, it just wasn't a good combination.

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