Chapter 14 ~ A family "disagreement"

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* Donatello *

I sat right next to Ryann in a large office room as she argued with her brother. I was there for support but boy did I want to punch her brother in the face. He's a complete and utter asshole, along with her father. They are really arguing with her about this company, and she's extremely calm. It really does amaze me.

"I can give you 5% of the profit." She said lookin at both of them.

"I've been running the business for over a decade!" Giovanni shouted out at her.

"I'm trying to be reasonable." She said rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Reasonable would just be leaving." Her father said and in her eyes I saw her heart break.

"Look y'all won't die if this doesn't happen but I will so please." She said with the little bit of energy she had left.

"We could care less." Giovanni said with no emotion towards her, what is it with this family and no emotion?

"Can you please leave me alone with my family?" Ryann said lookin with me not with sadness, or no emotion, but with a spark in her eyes. One that could light a fire.

"No." I said lookin back not knowing what they were capable of.

"I'll be fine." She promised as her eyes quickly flickered to the tiny cameras in the corners of the room. I nodded walked out then grabbing my phone the second the door closed.

"Now that your boy toy is gone we can actually discuss business." Her brother said calmly.

"I want the business." I watched her growl and then her father slam helix fist on the table..

"No, it's dangerous for me." Her fathers voice said.

"Your one selfish bastard, you care about yourself rather then your family." I watched her getting angry.

"Giovanni here is my family. He's been with me this whole decade." He said as she stood up.

"That's because we thought you were dead! Instead of at least telling us you were okay you allowed us to deal with grief while running from your enemies!" She yelled.

"They will become your enemies if you take over this job." Her father said and she stopped not to think but to smile.

"I'm stronger then you and will do anything to protect my family." She said glaring.

"That's what I did." He said and I wondered does he actually believe those words coming out of his mouth. A decade of pain and running from his enemies is saving them? That's hilarious.

"You tortured us for a decade and my family is still running for their lives as I'm bargaining with you so I can find a solution to save them!" She yelled as her voice cracked. I could definitely tell family was her weakness one thing she'd do anything for.

"Listen what will get you to calm down." Her father said patting her back causing her to quickly flinch and move away.

"All I'm asking for is the business." She said once more. As her father sat back down watching her. She bent over to tie her shoe as her brother went to pull a gun. As if she knew I was about to run in and kill them she shook her head no quickly but enough for me to notice. She pulled out a gun from each of her shoes pointing them at her father and brother before her father could even pull his out. She looked at them smirking.

"Y'all taught me too well but that isn't my problem. My problem is that this company isn't too my name, so Giovanni we're going to walk next to father and your going to sit down. I'm going to hold a gun next to your heads and try and funny business I shoot and feel no pain. As you said father your not my family and neither are you brother, as for my best friend I haven't decided. So right now my friend outside the door who's been watching is going to go get me legal papers for you guys to sign. Remember any funny business and I will kill you and you know not to underestimate me." She said as I got the legal papers from where she told me they'd be from her observation the other day. I grabbed them and walked into the room putting them in front of them as well as a pen. They looked up at me quietly as if pleading for me to do something, I just smiled and grabbed my Walkie-talkie.

"Potete venire tutti." I said as my bodyguards walked in eyeing Ryann. She watched carefully with a devious smile on her face, as they signed everything once they finished she checked it over before walking to the other side of the table.
Y'all can come in.

"I'll be around more often. So please be sure to be good or next time I won't just hold a gun to your head. Also try anything to mess with the paperwork I'll kill you. Finally mess with my family, you will end up tortured and dead. The only reason you two are alive is because you guys are blood. The rest of my family will find out your alive papá and you've been hiding him Giovanni." Ryann said before walking out and everybody following her I felt bad but had work of my own to do. I need a good partnership with her business now, and still become closer and hopefully win her heart.

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