Chapter 15 ~ Its just a little rain.

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When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles. ~ Pooh Bear

* Ryann *
* A few days later in Italy *

"I think this drop will win." I said as we sat in traffic. Donatello and I were watching the rain drops race down the window betting which ones would win. Donatello was the one who came up with the idea of how the loser gives the winner a kiss. Listen okay, that's the best I could do or we'd be getting naked. I'm pretty good so I've just been giving him pecks on the cheek.

"Okay I think this will be the lucky race." Donatello said watching the rain dropped race down the window at lighting speed. Of course this time he won. He looked at me smirking as I puckered my lips out for a peck. "Nope." He said grabbing a mint that he stole from the restaurant putting it his mouth making me laugh. He did the hand thing where you smell you breath then decided it was good enough. He moved our hands behind me pushing me back a little kissing me. It hasn't meant anything and I'm not counting this game kiss as our first, however you readers may feel. But I guess I should discuss how I got here.

Donatello and I had dinner at a fancy restaurant to finish us the business transaction between my family and the mafia. We were supposed to go dancing after but because we were told it was about to begin pouring down rain we left and just in time it hasn't stopped pouring and it floods really easily here! Everyone else was checking out a new club and because of the rain decided to stay at the hotel above.

Donatello pulled away from me and the car started moving. "Look at that I'm magic!" He said and I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. Now I sat there singing ....

"Rain rain go away come again another day." As Donatello tried giving it some high notes. Me and him may not be dating material even though he wants too, I'm really about to claim him as my bestie. I know I shouldn't friend zone him but I'm not, it's just kind of like a post pone? Eventually but slowly we got home as the rain continued to pour, Donatello tried to get me a umbrella but fuck that. I took off my heels, and I grabbed his hand counting down "3, 2, 1, go!" I said running as I pulled him with me. We were halfway to the door, when he pulled me back spinning me into him.

"It's just a little bit of rain." He said smiling as he just squeezed me.

"I wanna change into something less expensive."

"It's nothing fire."

"I don't care Don let me go get something comfortable on!" I said breaking free and running inside to get in comfortable clothes on. It was basically just one of Dons big tee shirts. That and some underwear, granny panties if you must know. I'm not fond of having a string up my ass. I ran back downstairs and outside with nothing on my feet, I walked outside and splashed Don who splashed me right back. We ran around splashing each other until he caught up with me grabbing onto me.

"How about that dance Ms. De Luca?" Donatello asked puttin his hand out and I laughed. I looked up at the sky which wasn't a good idea because I got rain in my eye which made Donatello laugh his ass off which made me punch him in the chest. He rolled his eyes but stopped laughing.

"No, I wouldn't like that dance Ms. Russo." He said as I turned around like one of those snobby rich girls putting my head in the air, and tried to walk away before being pulled back.

"I don't think I heard you correctly. May I have this dance Ms. De Luca?" He asked now on one knee and I rolled my eyes laughing . This was so cliche, but I would've never expected it to happen to me. I've watched it on tv never believing this was real but here I am.

"Get up before your pants are soaked, and to what music?" I asked smirking.

"Ummm well. How about whatever music we can sing?"

"I don't know slow songs do you?"

"No." He blushed and we laughed.

"Fast beat it is. You go first." I said grabbing his hand.

"Let it gooooo!" He said definitely bombing the lyrics, not like good bombing but like woosh. After he finished I wasn't letting him sing another song.

"My turn. I was a girl in a village all right!"I sung the whole family song before he gave up. He just held me close and I tried to look in his eye without water getting in mine. He grabbed my face with a real smile one that showed happiness, and in that moment I didn't see a mafia boss who could kill me in a moment, I saw a man. One who wanted a life with love and passion but instead was given a life of guilt, drugs, and death much like my own. If it's the last thing I do on Earth, I swear that I will given him the life he deserves and hopefully wants. If he knew what I was thinking I'm almost completely sure he'll do the same.

I grabbed his hand and led him inside the house where we put on towels and went in the fridge to grab ice cream. Then we sat on the couch watching both frozen movies then Sofia the First till we fell asleep. It was a very fun night, where I realized how much complicated my life was going to be now on with him in it. My life was going to change forever, and I couldn't say I was complaining.

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