Chapter 11 ~ Guess whos back

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" guess who's back, back again. Shady's back, tell a friend. " ~ Eminem in Without me

* Ryann *

We arrived yesterday afternoon to Sicily, Italy. We got in and headed to the Russos help and passed out pretty quickly. I definitely don't miss the 6 hours time difference. I have work to do though, we all fell asleep on the jet despite my protest of falling asleep once again in Donatello's arms. I woke up at about 8am which would've been 1am, to the horrible sound of my alarm. Donatello groaned at me to turn it off reminding me how I was required to be in bed with this perv. I turned it off getting up tiredly to start my day. The one where I'd see my brother, who I haven't seen in a decade. One who hasn't written, called or talked to me in this time. I threw on "appropriate" clothes that wouldn't be commented on before walking downstairs. I had to put on my "Ryann" necklace that was hidden at the bottom of my jewelry box. That was a great confirmation that it was me, this was a gift from my brother at the funeral.

^ Ryann ^

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^ Ryann ^

I found my way to the kitchen dismissing the family cooks. They could make some great Italian meals I bet but it usually means something coming from someone you know. I made some Italian breakfast cookies with milk and coffee. It smelt just like it did when my mother would cook.

 It smelt just like it did when my mother would cook

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^ the food 🤤 ^

I made enough so that everyone could have multiple. I looked at the time only 9? I can still go on a jog and be back in no time. I went back upstairs trying not to wake anybody grabbing my phone and AirPods before heading out. Once I got downstairs I texted Donatello.

* Don 😤 *

Going for a run. Breakfast is downstairs if anybody is hungry, I'll be back soon.

I walked out the door and began jogging down the street heading towards the town jamming to without me by Eminem.

As I got closer into town, I saw a few people. Some stared and others whispered to whoever they were with. I walked into the store to get more bread since I wasted most of the last batch, I forgot how much bread we used here, if felt really good to remember. Some customers stopped and looked at me, did I leave acne cream all over my face? I rolled my eyes grabbing more bread as the lady looked up at me.

"Ms . De Luca?" She said widening her eyes.

"Sí" I said as my Italian accent filled the air, and warmth was brought to my heart.

"ben tornato" she said smiling as she rung me up.
Welcome back.

"Grazie." I said grabbing my bag and heading out. I jogged home realizing it was 9:30 and nobody was up. We had things to do today, so I needed these assholes up. I grabbed a pot and pan out of the cabinet heading walking upstairs grinning.

"Sveglia troie!" Wake up sluts. I screamed banging the pot and pan together listening to the angry groans of the Italians in those rooms. I ran because angry Italians are never a good thing. I finished setting up the table and sat down waiting for everyone while I looked over my family files again. Where the hell was our source of income coming from it wasn't listed up here, I know It's not the Irish because they work for the Mafia. The Russians would never work with us, wait. Was my brother working with small gangs around the community? That's why the money wasn't going up or down. This dumb ass could only get money from them! I smirked still waiting for everyone before getting annoyed, I walked upstairs again going to each room separately to see them all getting ready, I left the doors open so they could smell the food giving them motivation to hurry up. One by one they came downstairs looking at the food on the table. I grinned at my discovery still as they all sat down.

Donatello kissed my cheek before sitting next to me at the head of the table. "You look fairly happy." Dontrell said, he knows that I've been trying to figure out where the income has been coming from.

"I just found out where my brothers been getting my income from." I said smirking.

"Where?" He said leaning forward stuffing a cookie in his mouth causing me to give off a small smile and the table to watch us.

"Small Gangs." I smirked looking back at the files now stuffing a cookie myself.

"We'll handle that once you get the business but we need to get going." He said getting up grabbing my hand. I grabbed my folder of papers quickly while everyone followed behind us. We sat in the suv as I looked over the remaining data once more, as I sat still confused. Out of everyone why small gangs? There had to be other businesses that would do work. Soon we arrived to the trap house and memories flooded back. I got out of the suv not waiting for anyone and walked up towards the guards outside. They looked down at me and examined me.

"Ms. De Luca?" One question causing me to nod.

"Sí sono io. ora per favore fammi entrare, i Russos sono persone molto impazienti." I said as their eyes widened to the people behind me and Donatello interlocked hands with me as I rolled my eyes. They allowed me in as all eyes were on us, I walked straight to where the offices would be and nobody stopped me or course. Once I got to the office a secretary stopped us.
Yes it's me. Now please let me in, the Russos are very impatient people.

"hai un appuntamento" she asked causing me to laugh. "sono molto serio" she said rolling her eyes.
"Do you have an appointment?" "I am very serious."

"no non ho o ho bisogno di un appuntamento. Mio fratello è lì?" No I don't have or need an appointment. Is my brother here? I asked leaning over her desk and her eyes grew wide, I nodded for Donatello to follow me. Orlando and Camille kept an eye on the secretary. As I opened the door to the big office, which was a conference room at first much like Donatello's I saw multiple men at the table, and a women standing to the side. The whole room turned to face us as my face froze looking into the face of my brother and my dead father.

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