Chapter 10 - The Jet

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* Ryann *
*A weeks later, (she got her tattoo)*

Well what can I say? It's been a few weeks that I've been living in the compound. Me and Donatello haven't talked much. Only at work where he's made a few sexual remarks causing me to roll my eyes. I'm supposed to become closer over this trip, and I'll follow orders. Over the past few weeks I've been training hard though, back into my routine. I've read over my families funding over the years, it's interesting. Since my father passed and my brother took over, and we lost the partnership with the mafia, after that our funds have went downhill. I hope I can bring it back up or the family name is screwed.

On the other hand, I've gotten closer to Camille. We've been talking as she's helped me train the hardest. She's basically my only friend here, hopefully soon I'll make more.

"Fire hurry the hell up!" Donatello yelled from downstairs. I rolled my eyes like if he could still see me. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten rid of that stupid nickname by now. I was grabbing my last few weapons, I knew how dangerous the part of Italy I come from is.  I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs, Don eyed  my tattoo that I got the other day. I was the first girl who was this important to the mafia, so I designed my own.

 I was the first girl who was this important to the mafia, so I designed my own

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^ my tattoo ^

This shows that I'm now property of the Italian mafia. You couldn't help but smile at how good it was designed. We walked out of the house and into the SUV. We sat inside when I got a call from a unknown number, my mother I suppose.

"Ryann, figlia come stai?" She said happily.
"Ryann, daughter how are you."

"Sto davvero bene, come stai tu e la famiglia?"
"I'm really good, how are you and the family?"

"Stare nascosto." She said making me sigh and close my eyes for a moment, here I am on my way to Italy and she is hiding with my siblings.
"Staying hidden."

"Dove sei ora" I said not noticing Donatello staring at me, he must have put it together that Italian is my first language by now.
"Where are you now?"

"New York." She said as I thought of the many times we lived there, the tiny apartment near the city, to hide among all the people. My father had a home upstate but it was secluded easy to find and kill us, without not being noticed.

"Posso tenerti al sicuro, mamma, lasciami" I said hoping just once she would listen.
"I can keep you safe, mamma just let me."

"No Ryann! Non metterò quella pressione su di te." She said as she usually did.
"No Ryann! I won't put that pressure on you."

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