Chapter 35 - Court Preparations

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* Ryann *

As we all sat down for dinner, I decided to make an announcement. I figured almost everyone at the table knew, my might be situation. The girls were there when Ms. Shanice spilled the beans on me and well I'm almost completely sure Donatello texted the boys as soon as he could. So the announcement, I was about to make would really only be for my siblings because I figured Hailey's daughter really didn't care.

"Excuse me, before we start eating I'd like to say something. As most of you know, I may or may not be pregnant. So this is really for my siblings, in my tummy right now there may be a little aunt or uncle growing." I said as their eyes widened and they jumped up to kiss my stomach, causing me to laugh. Mia looked up at her mom and asked "Is there a baby in her tummy?" I noticed her pointing at my stomach. Once we sat down everyone decided to state their opinions on what we should name the baby.

"I think for a girl she should be named Bella 2 and if it's a boy chocolate," Bella said excitedly.

"Chocolate?" I asked laughing like everyone else at the table.

"That's horrible," Donte said as I eyed him. "Sorry." He said causing me to laugh. "Anyways, for a boy, it should be named Donte and a girl should be named Hope."

"Where'd you get hope from?" I asked completely forgetting the boy's name he said.

"Well in the short time we have been here I noticed that your stressed, you do not look so stressed anymore. I guess the baby gives you hope." He said with his English sounding better.

"Anyways the girl name should be Camille, but for a boy, it should be Donatello Jr or Dontrell." She said and everyone nodded.

"I think I got the names he can pick his favorite whenever," I said earning a glare from Donatello, while everyone else grew quiet. "For a boy, it'll be Donatello Jr most likely but a fake name would be Dontrell Jr, while a girl's name would be Hope," I said then thought about something else. "Anybody got a fake name?"

"How about Lauren," Donatello said earning a glare from me and the whole table.

"If you think I'm naming my precious baby that, then you're stupid," I whispered as he laughed.

"Precious." He said as I looked at him and smiled.

"Precious Williams," I said as eyes raised all around the table.

"If it's a fake name, do ya'll really think it would be good to give it Russo?" I asked as everyone nodded to what I was saying causing me to roll my eyes. "I'm guessing your saying yes Ryann, don't give the baby the last name Russo." I said as now they all nodded instantaneously.

We finished up dinner and the kids went off to play while I sat down with everyone else.
"What am I supposed to do? I can't give them back to my mother." I asked as everyone else looked at me and Camille nodded.

"You can get a laywer." Orlando suggested causing me to glare at him.

"Duh." I said as Donatello nudged me harshly.

"The question is who?" I stated as the boys started going through their minds of who they've used.

"Jackline Smith." Donatello said as everyone nodded.

Ms. Tough GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora