Chapter 31 - All the Russos pt. 2

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* Ryann *

As we pulled up to the house, I looked back at my siblings who finally were waking up as we slowed down the car. The car ride was much longer because we weren't speeding. I giggled at their wide eyes and felt my heart warm up a bit while I was around them. 
We got out the car and Camille started to walk forward and I stopped my sibling bending down to their level.

"ricordiamo le nostre maniere, giusto?" I asked as they nodded their heads slowly. "Me li possiamo ripetere per favore?"
We remember our manners, right? ... Can we repeat them please?

"Non parlare a meno che non parli anche tu, tieni la testa bassa, stai zitto, non toccare il cibo" They said at the same time as my eyes widened.
Don't speak unless spoken too, keep your head down, stay quiet, don't touch the food.

"No, puoi parlare con chiunque, puoi guardare chiunque, cerca di non correre e mangiare quanto vuoi ma non troppo. Prova anche a parlare inglese." I said as their eyes widened as they smiled.
No, your allowed to talk just don't speak over anybody, you can look up at anybody, try not to run around, and eat as much as you want just not too much. Also try and speak English.

"Are you sure?" Bella asked causing me to get a little sad.

"Things are different with me, then with mommy okay?" I said smiling as we walked up to the door where Camille was waiting. She opened the door as the light peered in their faces, we walked towards the living room where nobody was so we continued towards the kitchen/dining room where everyone was. All attention turned towards us as Bella and Donte looked down towards the floor leaving everyone to be shocked. "Excuse them, that's how my mother taught them."

"It's fine." Shanice said first, I noticed everyone was looking at my clothes as I felt bad for my siblings. "Come sit." She said ushering the kids towards the table. As they looked up at me asking for permission I nodded as they went and sat down side by side. I sat next to Bella as they looked at all the food.

"Dig in." Shanice said as almost everyone including me grabbed some food. My siblings on the sat there staring at the food knowing they want it. "vai avanti a mangiare" go ahead and eat. I said as they nodded and grabbed some food while everyone looked at me weird and I admitted the truth. "Italians our first language." I said as everyone nodded, Donatello eyed me and I gave off a smile.

"Thank you." They finally said as everyone smiled.

*Later that night*

I layed the kids down in my bed before heading out with my computer in hand when I got a call. I looked at my phone realizing it was my mother. Rolling my eyes I answered hearing "Ryann!" Screamed into the phone and I move the phone back a bit.

"Si?" I asked annoyed walking downstairs to see Donatello on the couch.

"Rivoglio i miei figli." She said causing me to roll my eyes as I paced back and forth.
I want my children back.

"No! no, a meno che tu non riceva aiuto" I said firmly as I could hear her cry over the phone.
No! Not unless you get help.

"Non voglio portarti in tribunale." She said as my eyes widened. She knew that A, I could go to jail and B. unique Williams doesn't exist and Ryann De Luca disappeared.
I don't want to take you to court.

"Questo è stupido." I said angrily.
That's stupid

"Voglio solo i miei figli." She said causing me to grow annoyed. I hung up and threw my phone as I hard as I could across the room. Donatello grabbed me before I could do anything else, reminding me about my siblings sleeping upstairs.
All I want is my children

I nodded as we went to sit down on the couch. Donatello sat long ways as I sat in his lap grabbing my computer of the table and he turned on the tv. His arms wrapped around my waist, causing a small smile to grow around my face. I looked up at the tv then back into my computer to sign in. Don was watching basketball as usual so I wasn't really surprised nor paying attention. I looked through the computer trying to decipher where a nice home would be at least for now.

I guess Donatello looked down at my computer because he put his head on my shoulder and I felt deep breath on my shoulder. "What you looking at houses for?" He asked and I just knew he was getting angry.

"Somewhere to stay with my siblings we ain't staying here." I said as I felt his hands moved away from my waist and up my body.

"And why is that?" He said kissing my neck, I knew exactly what he was doing but I still couldn't push him away.

"It's dangerous." I said just continuing to look at my computer before finding something.

"How about this one?" I said showing him a tiny house.

"How about this one?" I said showing him a tiny house

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"It's small." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I like it, well be going there tomorrow." I said typing in some final information while Donatello turned off the tv and closed the computer putting it on the table. He moved close to my body pressing himself right up against me moving his hands slower than they were before around my upper body.

"Guess we'll just have to make the best of tonight then." He whispered in my ear leaving chills down my body.

"One of your men will hear us or worst my siblings." I said pushing him back.

"Guess you'll have to be quiet." He smirked smacking my ass. I turned around to face him as I moved down to kiss him but was surprised by the deep kiss returned with a hard squeeze on the ass. Then I pulled myself away hopped off the couch leaving him confused as I grabbed my computer ran up the stairs hearing steps behind me, I ran into the room trying to get away from him. I put the computer down and opened the door slightly looking at his annoyed face.

"Really!" He whispered yelled as I smirked.

"Yup also can you bring me some blankets?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yea you gotta be outside That room though." He said as I rolled my eyes. He walked away and I walked out the bedroom waiting for the blankets. Once he gave them to me I went to throw them in the room but my wrist was grabbed. I dropped the blankets in the room pushing the door softly shut.

"Yes Don?." I asked as he grabbed my neck pulling me up, as things were about to get steamy. Hearing footsteps I quickly pushed Donatello away falling down, Romeo walked over whispering something in Dons ear.

"You got a really busy day, tomorrow right?" He asked as I nodded. "Goodnight." He said kissing my cheek about to walk away then turning around and saying "your bodyguards should be here soon." I rolled my eyes walking back into the room.

Ms. Tough GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora