Chapter 8 ~ Fuck these advisors

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* Dontrell *

I walked into the large office with Romeo and Orlando on my side. Everyone else was already here except us of course, somehow. My father smirked at the sight of me, fucking asshole.

"Donatello how are you? Take a seat." He said pointing to the top of the table. I nodded taking a seat before opening my mouth.

"It's Dontrell now father."

"What an Americanized name." He said glaring.

"Well is there a reason why this meeting was called?"

"First off we'd like to speak by saying there's a upcoming meeting in Italy we need you attend too. Also we need to speak about the police, we think they're getting closer which isn't good for business. So you on the other hand need to get them off your path most likely with a lady. Maybe the doll I saw in your house?"

"No, never. She- she" Whenever I get nervous I stutter just like when I was little.

"Father, She's off limits me and Camille told him to watch over her after a interrogation last night." Orlando said stupidly as now our father was interested.

"Did you find out anything?"

"No she wouldn't talk." I said lowly.

"What's her name."

"Unique Tough Williams." I said as his eyes widened tremendously.

"It can't be." He whispered. "She died years ago in the fire, wait no. We lost her after her last name change:" he mumbled like a crazy man.

"Father your speaking crazily." I spoke up as everyone stared at me.

"Do you have a picture of her?" He asked as I shook my head no, but knew who could.

"Excuse me, I'll get it." I said walking out of the room and calling Camille.

"Dontrell cosa diavolo vuoi?" Camille basically screamed into the phone.
Dontrell what the hell do you want?

"il padre ha bisogno di una foto della ragazza, in fretta."
Father needs a picture of the girl, quickly.

"Lei ha un nome! Inoltre ti sto inviando la foto ora." She said as I hung up and waited for it to come in. Once it did I walked back into the room and gave it to my father who almost fainted.
"She has a name! Also I'm sending you the picture now."

"This is Ryann Tough De Luca." He said glaring at the picture.

"Who's that?" I asked as all the advisors sighed.

"She's very important and a great value. Her father was one of the biggest suppliers in Italy but mostly to our family, when we moved he decided to move with us. He took many trips to Italy for who knows what. One time when he was coming back the plane exploded, with his family in it. Somehow his family survive by a miracle but him on the other hand. The De Luca's are still running from those people by fear they may start the business up again. I want a dinner with her."


"I wanna know how's she's hidden all these years, under the radar. Now finding herself back into her roots.

"Does she even know what her father was apart of?"

"Of course she does."

"Okay but father, this Ryan girl you speak of are you sure?"

"Yes and I will prove it tonight at dinner."

* In the car *

"What the hell was that?" I asked Romeo and Orlando who shrugged their heads. We all knew suppliers were almost as important as us.

"Look at you pulling drug suppliers." Romeo said as I smacked his hand off. We sat the rest of the ride in silence as I allowed my thoughts to take over.

* At the house *

"Camille, Unique living room." I yelled walking into the living room with the boys.

"Yes brother?" Camille said as Unique stayed silent sitting next to her staring still. This now makes sense now, some point she would've had to study a bodyguard and learn they're own positions and rules.

"Unique you good?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"Yea why?"

"Unique what's your actual name?" I asked looking at her, as her eyes widened. Camille looked confused scooting away from her as Unique looked annoyed.

"Unique Tough Williams." She smiled once more.

"Are you sure it isn't Ryann Tough De Luca?" I asked and her eyes widened along with Camille. She obviously knew the name, was I the only one who didn't.

"Oh my god, your the De Luca?" Camille asked basically fan girling like a teenage girl at a Justin Bever concert.

"I am but I don't like to talk about it. How do you know that name?" She growled.

"Calm Down Ryann. You are in no danger here."

"Listen here Donatello, I'm not stupid, I've done my research since that day I met you. I knew there was something more to you. You know my identity so I'm in danger. All of my family is so I must leave." She said glaring at all of us, she quickly took off her heels throwing them towards the walls to distract us as she ran. With us right behind her, I was the closest. She ran into a group of my men then literally slid under ones legs and kept running. She got to my garages and I guess stopped at the smell of weed and other drugs.

"Casa." She whispered sitting there surrounded by boxes upon boxes.

"Che cosa?" I asked looking at her, many girls hated this damn smell but instead she sucked it in and enjoyed it as if this was the last time she'd ever smell it.

"casa. ogni volta che tornavo a casa puzzava così, mio ​​padre puzzava così." She said as if she was thinking of more pleasant times.
Home. Every time I came home it smelled like this, my father smelled like this.

"Ryann we have a dinner date with my father. Do you think your up to it?"

"He's the one who found my identity, yes?"

"Yes he found it. He would just like to speak with you."

"I would like to speak to him too, I should go get ready." She said getting up as if she wasn't just in her feeling moments ago.

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