Chapter Eight - Y/N

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"...with bullet holes in her lungs,

and knife marks etched in her back.

she never let anything get in her



a fighter,

not by choice,

but a warrior at heart."                 - k.azizian

The place we were in became our new hideout, set up similarly to the bar, minus the actual bar. Kurogiri had made a deal with Giran that if anything happened to our old place, we'd move here. It had rooms up a flight of creaky wooden stairs, and two run-down bathrooms. The big room downstairs, all open concept, had a singular couch, a bunch of chairs, and two empty bed frames... for some reason.

None of us watched the fight. We simply didn't. We heard the results plenty of times outside of us physically going through it.

I was numb. Master didn't die, but he wasn't well. Now in the supermax prison we villains refer to as Tartarus because of its inescapable nature, he was being kept alive by multiple different machines; if those were to be shut down, he'd die. I wasn't grieving, but... something emotionally broke, seeing all Might and Master fight. Seeing Master send us away.

When we got back, Tenko had stood, barely quivering, clutching all his hands. His eyes were bloodshot. The League tried to talk to me, knowing he was unreachable but not expecting me to be as well. I sat on a table beside Tenko, unanswering, peeling off his blood-soaked sweatshirt and zoning out in my bra until Toga gave me her sweater and threw the sweatshirt in the washing machine in one of the bathrooms.

After that, however, Tenko and I absentmindedly followed one another. When I moved, he mirrored my movements, and vice versa. We were dealing with awfully similar emotions and situations, and even though we barely spoke for the following few days, we stuck together.

Eventually, that numbness faded and I broke down. Eventually.

Anyone who went upstairs to my "room" could tell, by the destroyed mirror and the decimated cans of beer and soda. I had a faraway look to me that everyone noticed. Sadness and depression weren't an option, since All For One was alive, but I was angry. My real father wrote me off, then went ahead and took my actual father figure, despite our twisted and honestly codependent relationship. I hated All Might for that more than I hated him for abandoning me.




A tall, bulky man kneeled before a young girl, scrawny and small, his expression benign.

"Hello, Y/N L/N. You're quite the ghost, aren't you? It's like the orphanage is trying to hide you." He shook her tiny hand. Her dull E/C eyes, weary and suspicious, darted about the room; the other kids were outside, but she chose to stay in for her own safety. Who was this man? Was he here to hurt her? Or help her?

"Hi." She managed to reply. She was energetic, outgoing, and manic, but that part of her personality was buried away under her shyness and skittish nature.

"You're All Might's daughter, right?" He asked. "How old are you?"

"Five, I think. Yeah, five." Y/N glanced away. "I'm quirkless."

"I know."

The young girl looked shocked.

" don't care?"

A Shattering Touch - Tomura Shigaraki X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें