3 | quartet rehearsal

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Luna woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day. She took a shower and made her way into the kitchen.

A smile made it's way across her face when Luna saw the lunch her father prepared for her. A short note written in Mandarin was taped to the lid of a plastic container.

"Good day, Luna. Congratulations on being in the TS. Your mother and I are so proud. We love you. -Love, Dad."

Luna put the lunch in her backpack and she returned to her room to grab her viola.

In passing, she glanced at her violin. It looked so beautiful and Luna suddenly had the urge to pick it up and play.

But she had to get to the conservatory. She had things to do today.

Luna decided she was going to have one of the most productive days possible.

George walked out of the harp studio to see Brett and Eddy sitting on the floor down the hallway. They had out music on the floor and were currently discussing something about it.

He wasn't sure why, but George felt intimidated by the two. Of course, he understood that they were perfectly normal and generally very well-mannered.

But something about the fact that they were simply so important to the orchestra made George feel uneasy.

He turned the opposite way and made his way to the orchestra room, where the violas were about to end their time with the teacher.

George watched as Luna left the room and approached him with a smile on her face.

"What's got you all giddy today?" George asked.

Luna shrugged.

"Dunno, it's just a good day. Do you have lunch with you?" Luna asked.

George shook his head.

"No, I actually wanted to know if you wanted to go to the salad bar across the road. What do you think?" George asked.

Luna shrugged and looked over at one of the many hallways of practice rooms.

"I don't know, I wanted to practice. My dad packed me lunch so I was hoping to just kind of stay here." Luna said.

George felt defeated. She wanted to stay here? What a shame, he was looking forward to eating salad with her.

"O-Okay, we'll stay here. I'll buy something from the vending machine then. Which hall do you think we should go to?" George asked.

Luna shrugged. "I was thinking A, but we could do whichever." Luna said.

George grinned and pointed towards the A hall.

"Let's go then."

Luna took in a slightly nervous breath before she opened the door to the small ensemble studio. Brett and Eddy were already there, they seemed to be waiting on the cellist.

"Should I sit outside or inside?" asked Luna.

Eddy motioned his bow to the seat beside him.

"Inside." he responded.

Luna nodded and took out her instrument. She began turning and saw Brett watching her out of the corner of his eye.

She shrugged it off and continued to warm up with scales.

Suddenly, the cellist burst in with his case barely dangling off his back.

"Sorry I'm almost late, got caught up in literature lecture." the boy said.

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