5 | terrible tuesdays

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Luna slouched in her chair during her literacy lecture. She was absolutely exhausted and bored out of her mind.

After practicing until the early hours of the morning, Luna was going on three hours of sleep and a large cup of iced coffee.

She scanned her eyes around the room in hopes of finding another classmate in a tired state.

She then stopped searching when she found Eddy dead asleep at his desk with his head propped up on his hand. Luna gave an amused huff out of her nose and raised an eyebrow at the boy.

She then blinked a few times and returned her attention to the lesson.

Luna sat up against the wall in a practice room hallway while tiredly reading through music. George sat down next to her with aching hands.

"How is it barely lunchtime? I need to have a nap." George laid his head down on Luna's lap, leaving her to feel flustered and confused by the sudden gesture.

"Not on my lap you don't. Get up, get up." Luna uncomfortably said. George got up with a frustrated groan.

"I'm not going to be able to have a nap!" George whined.

"Sleep on your backpack, you'll fall asleep with the impending doom of homework on your conscious."

Luna scooted over and continued reading through her music.

George laid down on his backpack and crossed his arms.

He didn't know what emotions he was having at this moment, and he didn't care. He just wanted Luna to care about him and for her to be safe from any harm caused by anyone.

But Luna didn't know this, and Luna had no need for George to care. They were simply each other's only friends.

Luna didn't want anything more or anything less.

Eddy sat in front of the building next to Brett, who was sipping his bubble tea. They were waiting for Brett's mother to pick them up from school.

There was no quartet rehearsal today, so they were going to go study at Brett's house.

"Do you think Luna is nice?" Eddy asked.

Brett shrugged and chewed on the pearls before answering.

"She's alright. Pretty solid violist. Why do you ask?"

Eddy shrugged.

"Just wanted to hear your thoughts. She's close with that harpist guy, I think." Eddy said.

Brett nodded.

"His name's George, I think. Do you think they're together or something?"

Eddy shrugged in response. "I don't think so. She seems so focused on music. I'd be shocked if they were together."

The two sat in silence for a moment. All the sounds of the street and outdoors filled the void comfortably. They were best friends and the silence wasn't awkward.

It was simply just a moment in time.

"Do you think she's pretty?" Eddy asked.

Brett grinned and took another sip of bubble tea.

"Honestly, yes. She's uh... she's pretty. Do you think so?"

Eddy crossed his arms and nodded.

"Yeah, I think Luna is really pretty." Eddy said.

Brett and Eddy laughed together for a moment.

"Dude, we're being so superficial right now, mate. Her personality matters more." Brett said straightforwardly.

"Now that I think about it, we know nothing about her." Eddy said. "She seems cool, maybe we'll be friends."

Brett nodded and looked over at Eddy.


Luna sat at the kitchen counter and continued to do her homework. She had every desire to practice.

However, she knew that not doing her homework would come back to bite her in the ass later. She was going to do it now, or never.

All she really wanted to do was lay down on the couch with a blanket and coffee while listening to some calming music.

Luna was pulled out her trance when the landline began ringing. She stood up and made her way to the phone.

The number calling looked a bit too familiar to Luna. While the only preset numbers in the family landline were her grandparents and the doctor, she knew this one too well.

It was George's family landline.

Luna didn't feel like answering the phone, George had already put her off once today.

She ignored the ringing and put on a jacket to leave the house.

Luna hopped on her bicycle and went to grab a sweet drink before the sun went down.

George frustratedly put the phone down and grunted.

He began to think that maybe he was being a bit pushy. That she wasn't answering because he had already put her off earlier.

George was disappointed with himself but carried on with his evening with the hope that Luna would be happier to see him tomorrow.

Luna sat in the local bubble tea shop when Eddy and a woman walked in. She actually looked a lot like him, like a family member.

"Oh, hey." Eddy awkwardly said with a wave. Luna waved back with a grin and hoped that this interaction wouldn't last long.

"So, uh... how are you?" Eddy asked uncomfortably.

"I'm alright, how are you?"

Eddy shrugged. "Erm, I'm alright. Tuesdays suck though. How about yourself?" he said with a small laugh. Eddy was internally kicking himself for adding that line about Tuesday.

But he was shocked when Luna actually gave a small chuckle at his comment.

"Yeah, they really do suck. I'm okay, just felt in the mood for some bubble tea." Luna replied.

This was an odd experience for her. She felt so awkward, yet so comfortable when talking to this boy.

"Yeah, same. See you at rehearsal tomorrow right?" Eddy asked, despite the fact that he knew that Luna would be at the rehearsal.

"Yeah, for sure." Luna replied.

Eddy then waved and walked away from the moment. Luna turned to look out the window in order to avoid more interaction.

Even though she wouldn't exactly mind it.

Eddy got in the car and immediately began drinking his tea.

"Who was that?" his sister, Belle Chen, asked.

After swallowing some tea and chewing some pearls, he responded.

"She's in our quartet, principal viola. Her name is Luna. Luna Lim." Eddy said.

Belle nodded and they began driving away.

"She's pretty cute, isn't she?" Belle said teasingly.

Eddy sighed and turned away.

"Whatever, Belle."

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