32 | unrequited love

79 5 9

TW: all caps text, intense argument, toxic friendship

Luna woke up the next Wednesday morning feeling wonderful. Eddy have given her his jacket the day before and told her that she should take it home.

So naturally, Luna got the best sleep of her life when she wore it to bed. Therefore, she woke up in a great mood.

It had been a week since she realized she had feelings for Eddy. She was living in some sort of awkward paradise. Interacting with Eddy was normal, yet exhilarating.

She knew that with whatever would happen, Eddy and Luna would still be great friends.

Whether that was in a relationship or not.

So Luna had been on top of the moon.

And unfortunately, that wouldn't last throughout the day.

After school, Luna didn't have rehearsal. They were all still taking the time to individually learn their parts before they began the following week.

So she instead stood outside with George for a bit to wait for his mother to pick them up.

"Did you have a good day?" George asked.

Luna nodded.

"Yeah, pretty great. I feel good today despite the fact that it's still chilly out. How was your day?" Luna asked.

George shrugged.

"I'd say it was pretty okay." George replied.

"That's good, hey we should go grab coffee tomorrow before first lecture." Luna said.

Out of nowhere, George grabbed her shoulders and pulled his face really close. Luna backed away just in time before George could press his lips on her.

"George, what are you doing?!" Luna asked. He took his hands off her shoulders as she pushed him away.

"I thought you were into this-" George began while reaching for her hand.

Luna took her hand away from his reach.

"George, no I-"

"I'm in love with you, Luna!"

That's when the world seemed to stand still. Luna's good mood immediately came crashing down.

George hopes she would say something. Despite the fact that she was still wearing Eddy's jacket, George felt like she was interested in him. Sure she had other friends, but she wanted to spend time with him, George.

Luna was trying to be extremely gentle. She didn't want to shoot down George and upset him.

She was very well aware of the things that could happen if he got upset.

"George, I'm sorry, I don't feel that way about you. I just-"

"It's Eddy isn't it?" George asked with his fists clenched.

Luna stood still for a moment and didn't respond. What was she supposed to say to that? Was brutal honesty the best choice?

"IS IT?!" George screamed.

"Yes, alright? I have feelings for Eddy, he really cares about me and-"


"George- please sto-"

"IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU, NOBODY ELSE CAN EITHER!" George exclaimed while throwing his bag to the ground.

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