12 | eddy's sister

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Luna returned home to see both her mother and her father waiting in the kitchen. When she opened the door they immediately rushed over to her.

"Luna, are you okay?" Wendy exclaimed.

Luna nodded and has a confused look on her face.

"I'm fine, did you guys hear about the power going out?" she asked.

David nodded while Wendy held on to her daughter.

"Yes, it was on the news. They think someone cut the power on purpose." said David.

Wendy clicked her teeth and shook her head.

"Aiya, so many children in there could've been hurt! Where were you when it happened?" Wendy asked.

Luna moved to sit down on the couch and pulled a blanket over herself.

"I was rehearsing with my quartet. It took us a while to get out of the room because it was pitch black. Once we got in the hallway, I think the associate headmaster was yelling to evacuate."

David sat down to Luna's left and Wendy sat down on the right.

"Well, what matters is that you're safe." David said.

Luna nodded and groaned.

"I've got rehearsal tomorrow at the same place. George did say that he would be over for dinner." Luna said.

"Good, good. We can take you to the rehearsal tomorrow, it's going to be very cold." Wendy said.

Luna nodded.

"Okay, thank you."

Luna then got up to head upstairs.

"That jacket looks a bit big on you, has it always been that big?" her father asked.

Luna shook her head.

"In the panic, I left my jacket inside the school. This is Eddy's jacket, he's lending it to me because I had to cycle home." Luna said.

Wendy grinned.

"How kind of him. Go to sleep, we'll wake you in the morning with some guzheng and breakfast." Wendy said softly.

Luna nodded and retreated upstairs, leaving her parents to sit on the couch.

Wendy moved over and laid her head on David's lap. He put his hand on her shoulder and sighed.

"I was so worried, David." Wendy said.

David rubbed his wife's shoulder reassuringly.

"She's safe now, she's here with us. We're alright now."

Luna's parents dropped her off about half an hour early at Eddy's house. They had scheduled an appointment for a couples massage so Luna assured them that she would be able to go inside.

However, Luna was reluctant to knock on Eddy's door.

As she raised her hand to knock, the door opened.

Eddy looked at Luna who was about to knock on the door. She was wearing his jacket and had her viola strapped on like a backpack.

The jacket was a bit big for her, the sleeves reached past her hands and the shoulders were fluffed around her own.

She was tiny in the jacket, but somehow it suited her.

"Sorry, I'm really early." Luna said.

Eddy shook his head.

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