9 | a bit chilly

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Luna woke up freezing cold. It was now Wednesday of the next week, and the weather in Brisbane was starting to get very chilly.

The moment she got up, Luna took her TS jacket from her chair and put it on. She then walked down the stairs to go make her breakfast.

She found yogurt in the fridge and set it out on the counter. Luna went to check the air system. For some reason, the air-con was on.

"What the hell?" Luna whispered to herself. "Why is the air-con on when it's already cold outside?"

Luna immediately turned off the air conditioner and returned to the kitchen. She shuddered as she picked up a spoon and opened the container.

"Well today is going to be just wonderful." she muttered to herself.

Luna walked into the conservatory with a red nose and watery eyes. Riding a bicycle in colder temperatures was definitely not ideal, but she had no choice.

There was no way Luna was going to walk all the way to the train station for a train that would still require her a walk when she could cycle in the same amount of time.

Luna walked in very chilly to her lecture. She waited quietly for her lecture to begin while rubbing her hands together.

George walked in and sat down next to Luna. He immediately noticed something was off with her.

"Are you alright?" George asked.

Luna nodded quickly. "Just a bit cold." she said.

George took off his jacket and placed it over Luna's legs. She sighed and nodded.

"Thanks, I needed that." Luna said.

"Tomorrow, I can even bring you hot coffee." George said. Luna shook her head.

"No need, it's alright." Luna said.

George sighed and took out his notebook. Luna put her head down on the desk.

When it was cold outside, all Luna felt compelled to do was lay down on the couch and watch anime.

She had zero energy to do anything today.

Luna sat in her viola specific class when through the small window in the door, three faces popped up.

Brett, Eddy, and Oliver were all looking in, directly at Luna.

"What in the world are they doing?" Luna asked herself internally.

Luna held up her hands in confusion and mouthed the word "What?"

Brett pointed down the hallway, giving Luna absolutely no understanding.

She shook her head and frowned at the three boys.

"Miss Lim, is there an issue?" asked the viola professor.

Luna was immediately brought back to attention. Her head snapped towards the teacher and she awkwardly stuttered for a moment.

"Erm, n-no, sir. Sorry." she said.

Luna gave a mean stare in the direction of the boys. They all visibly groaned and left view of the window.

After the bell rang, Luna immediately walked outside of the orchestra room as fast as she could. She spotted the three boys down the hallway, sitting in front of a practice room.

"What are you three on about? I got called out in class!" Luna exclaimed. Brett and Eddy immediately shot up from the ground while Oliver took his time.

"We just were trying to tell you that we didn't sign into audience hour yesterday and that Shard was willing to sign us off while you were in class." Brett said.

Luna stood there dumbfounded by the three boys.

"And you think that pointing down the hallway through a window was going to relay that message to me?" Luna asked.

Brett scratcher the back of his head while Oliver just pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well, I guess we didn't think it through." Eddy said with a shrug. "Shard is in the commons, we can still catch him."

Luna sighed and put her hand to her face. She knew she would be upset if George had done something similar, but she couldn't bring herself to her angry at these boys.

"We're sorry." Brett said.

With a deep breath, Luna looked up and gave a flat grin.

"It's alright, no need to worry. Let's go get it signed off then." she said calmly.

She walked past them while they stood there mouths agape. They were a bit shocked that she wasn't angrier with them.

But that was a good thing. Somehow the crazy thought processes couldn't bring Luna to be upset at all.

Luna wasn't a misbehaved student. She was usually present, always on time, and worked hard.

However, nobody had a perfect record.

Luna neglected her last lecture for the day to nap in the ensemble room, where the quartet would rehearse later.

If there was one thing Luna loved most about her school, it was the absurd amount of couches.

She laid on her side, using her right arm as a pillow, and her left arm was linked with her viola strap. The couch was on the left wall and she faced away from the back.

The end of the day bell rang, and Luna jolted awake. She quickly fixed her clothes and tied back her hair.

Not even moments later, Brett and Eddy walked in. They stopped in the doorway when they saw Luna sitting on the couch.

"Did you run here?" Brett asked.

Luna nodded.

"Yeah, full sprint, sat down here to catch my breath." Luna replied.

"She looks like she just woke up after a nap or something." Eddy thought to himself.

"Let's get on with rehearsal then, right?" she said.

George frustratedly waited outside Luna's lecture hall. All the students poured out of the room, but there was no sight of Luna.

George stopped someone as they walked out of the room. A flute player in the TS.

"Oi, Bridget, is Luna in there?" George asked. The girl stopped and shook her head.

"Luna? She wasn't even in this lecture today." she replied.

Bridget walked away, leaving George to stand dumbfounded. Luna didn't even go to her lecture.

He was frustrated. Luna just didn't show up? Was she lost? Kidnapped? Sick?

George then remembered that Luna had rehearsal on Wednesdays. He immediately turned around and began running to the ensemble room at full speed.

He came to a stop and looked in the window on the door.

Luna was pointing to something on Eddy's music with her bow while Brett was talking.

George was furious.

Luna was starting to forget about him.

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