16 | oliver's birthday

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Luna was sitting at her computer while searching for a recording of a performance on Youtube. The site had a small array of content, but she hoped she could find at least something.

Then the Instant Message tone rang. She opened the application and looked at the message.

"Hey, I'm sorry about today. Please forgive me, I really just lost control of myself."

It was from George.

Luna sighed and shook her head. She was still waiting for the lingering feeling of his hands on her waist to wear off.

It was getting more uncomfortable for her by the second. She was wearing the loosest piece of clothing she had.

The feeling wouldn't go away.

"It's alright, try not to worry about it. I hope you begin feeling better soon." Luna replied.

And with a sigh, she gave up on finding the recording. Luna picked up her violin and began practicing Debussy.

Luna was concerned with George's mental health but had other things to focus on.

She had to fight the cold, prepare for the quartet performance, and study for her exams.

There wasn't exactly much time to focus on anything else.

The next day, Luna was walking down the hallway when a figure joined at her side. She assumed it was George, but was shocked to see Eddy.

"Hey, what's up?" Luna asked.

"Oliver's birthday is tomorrow. He's having a party-thing on Friday. Said you were invited and just didn't have your IM." he said.

Luna was confused. Based off of Eddy's words, she couldn't tell if it was a large party or if it was a comfortable gathering.

"Define the word party-thing for me, because I don't know exactly what you mean." Luna asked.

"Erm, sorry. He calls it a party and says that it'll be not that big, but you know how he is. Are you considering going?" he asked eagerly

Luna shrugged as they continued down the hallway.

"Dunno, I'd have to think about it. Are you going?" Luna asked.

Eddy nodded.

"Yeah, maybe it could be fun." he said in a very suspicious way.

Luna shook her head.

"Eddy, by the way, I can tell that you'd rather be at home practicing. Am I right?"

Eddy looked at her. It's like she could tell what he was thinking without even trying.

"Yeah, you're right. It's his birthday, and I enjoy hanging out. I just don't want to hang out too often." he said.

Luna nodded.

"I find that I'm the same way. I think I'll go to the party though. It is Oliver's birthday after all."

Eddy grinned. For no particular reason, knowing that she had similar reactions to parties gave him a sense of comfort.

"I guess we'll both be slightly uncomfortable together?"

Luna nodded.

"For sure."

Oliver's partygoers were a mixture of TS musicians, twelve the year theatre students, and many many friends from the local high school.

There were so many people at the party that Luna sat in the corner.

She was shocked to learn that Brett was quite the party animal. He was dancing, socializing, and even had a drink since he was of age. Oliver wore a plastic crown toy on his head and was walking around to hang out with friends.

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