8 | audience hours

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Luna enjoyed her conservatory high school. It was probably the most valuable thing she could be part of.

However, while she knew it was a valuable lesson and had deeper meaning, Luna didn't enjoy her required audience hours.

The Tanner-Wallace conservatory required all their students to observe their peers' work or performance.

Artists would spend time at a small gallery walk. Writers would read one another's work. The theatre department would have monologues in their theatre. The dance department had small showcases.

The music department would have small performances for students to watch each other perform.

Luna was lucky enough to be in the Tanner Symphony. Members of the highest orchestra weren't required to perform in the weekly performance.

However, she did have to sit through an extra hour than the lower groups. Members of the TS had to watch two hours, and the rest had to watch only one.

Throughout the week during their free periods, students could sit down in the concert hall to watch brief performances. People would sign up to perform during their free periods if required.

Luna had decided that Tuesday would be the best day to get one hour out of the way for the week.

She and George began making their way to the concert hall.

"I heard the pianists are all performing this week. Maybe catch up on sleep during the hour." George joked.

Luna gave a light laugh and shrugged.

"I get the lesson being taught, but two hours a week? That's like seeing a whole professional orchestra concert every single week. Gets a bit tiring, you'll know all the repertoire!" Luna complained.

George looked over at Luna for a moment.

"Well, this is what you have to do if you're in the TS. Popularity, honor, and talent come at a price." he said.

They began approaching the concert hall doors.

"I don't know how I feel about the fact that you put talent last, but whatever. Let's just get this over with."

Luna and George walked into the concert hall to see a pianist walking on stage. They sat down six rows from the front and got comfortable.

She noticed how many other members of the TS were currently there to watch as well. Brett and Eddy were two rows ahead of them.

Luna could tell by the backs of their heads that they were definitely not paying attention. They looked as if they were holding papers close to their face so they could read.

"Those idiots are doing homework!" Luna whisper-yelled.

"What? Who?" George asked somewhat frantically.

"Nobody, don't worry about it." Luna responded. The pianist began playing Chopin's etude known as "Winter Wind" while George frustratedly sighed.

He then saw Brett and Eddy doing their homework ahead of them. George frowned and became upset when he realized Luna had been talking about them.

He decided to ignore it and have himself a nap, not noticing Luna now doing her homework as well.

Brett walked into orchestra rehearsal the next day absolutely exhausted. He had gotten no sleep whatsoever. The amount of homework he had to complete was obscene.

"You look awful." Eddy said. Brett rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Wow, thanks mate." Brett responded. Eddy shook his head.

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