34 | the date

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Saturday couldn't seem to get any closer. It was now Friday and time was moving painfully slow. All Luna wanted to do was fall asleep to wake up on Saturday already.

She was in every way ready for her date with Eddy.

Luna felt wonderful knowing that Eddy had romantic feelings for Luna. However, she was worried that the date would go poorly.

But they just had to wait and see.

The main task was keeping the date a secret from Oliver. Luna and Eddy never verbally agreed to keep it a secret, they just knew it was the safest option to do so.

Because if Oliver knew, the world would most likely at the sound of his high-pitched scream.

At five in the evening on Saturday, Luna took a look in her bathroom mirror one last time.

She decided to wear a fitted black long sleeve shirt with some skinny jeans. She wore a pair of high tops and decided to leave her hair down.

And of course, on top of it, all was Eddy's jacket.

It was still chilly outside, so she decided to dress warmly.

Luna was going to meet Eddy at a hotpot restaurant at six o'clock. Neither of them had the ability to drive so they couldn't pick up one another.

She was alright with it, though. Luna felt as if it gave the event more character.

To be quite honest, Luna did not favor a dinner date. Her idea of a perfect date was lots of blankets and the couch accompanied by something on the television.

But it was her first date. She might as well make it through dinner, and she felt like she'd enjoy herself anyway.

Because Luna genuinely wanted to have a good time with Eddy.

Eddy and Luna took their seats at the table. Much to both of their surprise, they didn't feel awkward. They were able to have normal conversation and joke around each other as always.

He thought she looked so gorgeous. Her hair, her eyes, the delicacy of her hands, her smile. Everything about Luna made Eddy feel all tingly inside.

Luna couldn't help but admire Eddy's facial expressions the most. It's like he could easily depict thousands of words in the change of his facial expression. She found it to be one of her favorite physical traits about him.

They received their food and immediately began digging in. The meal was pricing itself to be incredible.

"Gosh, why do I not come to this hotpot place more often?" Luna said with half a full mouth.

Eddy admired the fact that she was comfortable enough to talk to him while still eating. It made him feel like he was doing something right.

"I'm sure we'll be back." Eddy said.

Luna blushed and drank some water. She was having a nice time. The wait staff was wonderful and the atmosphere of the establishment was very calm.

That was until a lot of people began walking into the restaurant. Both Eddy and Luna started becoming uncomfortably.

There were more voices in the room, more plates clanging together, more waiters walking around.

It was incredibly frustrating and unnerving for both Eddy and Luna.

As soon as the check came, Eddy reached for it. He lifted it up for a moment but his hand was met with a swift slap.

"No, we'll pay half and half." Luna said.

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