13 | the school

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Luna made it out to the school a bit early. There was a school-wide assembly in the concert hall before the actual school hours that each student was asked to be at.

She walked inside and headed straight for the room that they were rehearsing in on Friday. When she opened the door, she turned on the lights to find her jacket on the ground.

"Oh thank god." Luna said.

She immediately picked up her jacket and put it on. Luna had a sigh of relief and then left the room.

Luna entered the concert hall to see students filling the seats. In the front were people all wearing the TS jackets.

Luna made her way to the front and looked for George. However, she didn't see him. She saw Brett, Eddy, and Oliver.

She made her way over and sat down next to Eddy.

"Hey, you got your jacket." Eddy said.

Luna nodded.

"Yeah, I went to the ensemble space before I came here. I was freezing all Sunday without it." Luna said casually.

Eddy frowned.

"Erm, I would've let you keep mine until today." Eddy said.

Luna's eyes went wide and her face started getting red.

"Oh, it's alright. Thanks, though."

Then the two of them sat there in awkward silence. Oliver was giggling two seats down while Brett was oblivious.

The headmaster came on stage with the associate headmaster and the head of each department in tow.

"Students," began Headmaster Barth.

"On Friday after hours, many of you were here using our wonderful facilities after hours. The power was cut throughout the entire building and everyone was evacuated from the school."

Luna waited to hear bad news. She was really worried about what happened.

"Someone hacked into an electrical system and cut our power on purpose. The police have since arrested and charged the guilty."

Eddy frowned and crossed his arms.

"We don't understand why they took our power, but we want to assure you all that you are safe here at the Tanner-Wallace Conservatory. We are committed to keeping our students safe and satisfied in our conservatory."

"So we don't even know why the power went out. Excellent." Brett said sarcastically.

"We encourage everyone to continue with their extra activities and using our facilities after hours for your activities. Thank you all for being here, have a wonderful day, and work hard. You're all dismissed."

Everyone began clapping for the headmaster as he walked off. Students then stood up to exit. Luna left the row with her head down to watch her step.

Once she reached the end, she bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I-"

She looked up to see George bright and smiling down at her.

"Oh, hey." Luna said.

"Let's go to first lecture." George said as he put a hand on her shoulder and led her out through the crowd.

"Is that guy her boyfriend or something? I see them around together quite a bit." mentioned Brett.

Oliver shook his head.

Olive happened to be up on the latest news at all times. He knew who was a part of which group, who was playing what, and what few people were actually dating.

"They're best friends, from my knowledge. Not dating." Oliver said.

Eddy watched as they walked away, George's hand on her shoulder.

Her wearing her own jacket and George's thrown over his shoulder.

Eddy shook himself out of his thoughts and shrugged.

"Come on, we've gotta go to lecture." Eddy said.

"I see you've got your own jacket back." George said.

Luna nodded as they walked down the hallway. Her book bag bounced against her thigh and she had her hands in her pockets.

She no longer had sweater paws to keep her hands warm.

"I can't believe they don't know why the person cut the power. Do you think the police know why?" Luna asked.

George shrugged.

"I hope nobody is out to get us." George said.

Luna shook her head.

"Ah yes, because someone has a personal issue with the entirety of the conservatory student body." Luna said.

George shook his head.

"Maybe someone is out for Headmaster Barth." George said.

Luna rolled her eyes and looked up at him.

"I think you've overthought about this." Luna said as she walked into class. George walked in behind her with a frown.

"No I haven't!" he whined.

Luna sat down and took out her notebook.

"Yes, you have."

Luna sat against the wall in the hallway while waiting for an open practice room. She was reading through her piece that her teacher had given her to work on.

Suddenly, someone sat down in front of her, taking her attention away from the music.

"Oh, hi Brett." Luna said.

Brett waved and grinned.

"Mind if I wait here with you? I've got free period right now and don't want to sit in the commons."

Luna nodded.


Brett looked down the hallway. The room they would normally rehearse in was in this hallway of practice rooms and rehearsal spaces.

"This hallway is a lot creepier in the dark." said Brett.

Luna looked down the hallway towards the end. She was remembering when Oliver ran towards the door, the associate headmaster yelling to evacuate, Brett panting as they ran down the hallway, and Eddy holding onto her hand as they sprinted as fast as they could.

While it may not have been a pleasant experience, it was definitely a memory that Luna would have forever.

"Yeah, it really is. I remember sprinting and not being able to see anything. If Eddy hadn't pulled me away I would've probably never gotten out of here that quickly."

Brett frowned in confusion.

"Were you holding on to Eddy when we were leaving?" Brett asked.

Luna nodded. "I grabbed his hand to get out of the ensemble room and then he pulled me down the hallway since we couldn't see anything."

"Oh." Brett said.

Luna shrugged and returned to reading her new piece. Her teacher wanted her to perform it at the end of the school year.

However, it was a violin sonata. Meaning Luna would actually play violin in front of the conservatory panel.

Sure she had played in competitions, but playing for the people that would be vital in the process of going to a music university was much more nerve-wracking.

But Luna decided that she'd been fine and that she would manage a great performance regardless.

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