26 | sadly sick

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On Thursday morning, Luna woke up feeling everything but wonderful. Her nose was stuffed, her chest hurt, and her head was pounding.

Luna went to the bathroom and took some medicine to hopefully feel better. She then put on a pair of shorts and slowly descended down the stairs.

She picked up the landline and dialed her father. No response. He was most likely unable to answer the phone. She dialed her mother and was glad to have gotten a response.

"Hello? Luna?" Wendy's voices chimed through the phone.

"Hey mum, I'm sick." Luna said with a sniffle. "I'm not going busking today, and probably not tomorrow either."

"Have you taken your medicine? Do I need to come home? I might have Candace drop off some food for you." Wendy began pouncing on her daughter with all the care she could provide.

"I've taken medicine. You don't have to come home, I'll be fine. Don't put Candace through the trouble." Luna said.

Candace was Wendy's best friend who owned a local Asian cuisine restaurant in the neighborhood.

"Well, if you say so. Have you called your father yet?" Wendy asked.

"I dialed him, but he didn't answer. Probably in the operating room right now. I'll call again later." Luna said.

She could hear her mother sigh through the phone. Luna didn't like stressing out her mother, but her parents established a very strict rule when Luna was young.

If she ever felt a certain amount of pain or felt slightly sick, she had to notify both of her parents. One unfortunate event proved life-threatening and they couldn't risk losing Luna.

"Okay, call if something happens." Wendy said. "I love you, darling. Bye."

"Love you too, mum. Bye."

The aches all over Luna's body did not help in her journey back up the stairs. She had to retrieve her violin, viola, and cell phone.

There was no excuse for not practicing. Even being sick wasn't an excuse most of the time. Luna wanted everything with her in the living room so she could lay on the couch and watch the television.

She also had to call her friends and notify them that she wouldn't be joining them.

Once she made her way back downstairs, Luna dialed Oliver's number.

No response.

"Asleep. He's asleep. Great going, Luna." she muttered to herself.

Then Luna dialed Eddy's phone number. After a few moments, he picked up the phone.

"Hey, Luna. What's up?" Eddy asked.

"Hey, Eddy, I'm sick and won't be able to go out and busk today. I probably won't tomorrow either, I've got it real bad. Just wanted to let you all know so you didn't wait for me or anything." Luna said.

Eddy was silent for a few seconds but finally spoke up.

"O-Okay. Do you... do you need us to bring you anything? Medicine, food, or anything?" Eddy asked.

Luna laid down on the couch and pulled the blanket over her.

"No, you guys don't have to do that. Don't worry about me, just go out and play for the people." Luna said.

"Erm, okay." Eddy said.

"I'm going to go rest. Bye, Eddy." Luna said.


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