4 | george's hobby

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Most weekends were designated family time for the Lim household. Dr. Lim and Captain Lim would come home and spend time with their beloved Luna.

But there were some weekends where that just wasn't possible.

Dr. Lim had a patient flying into his hospital for long, brutal surgery. He wouldn't be home during the day by any means this time around.

Captain Lim had been sent off to train soon-to-be firefighters at a boot camp in the country. She wouldn't be home for another ten days.

Luna was left all by her lonesome this weekend.

She arrived home on Friday after her rehearsal to see three days' worth of meals packed. Her mother had left them in the refrigerator.

She woke up around nine in the morning on Saturday to the sound of a knock on her door.

Luna groaned and grudgingly put on her slippers. Her hair was in a more-than-messy bun and her shirt was wrinkled beyond decency.

The seventeen-year-old made her way down the stairs while grasping on to the rail.

She opened the door to see an overly excited George standing with a bag.

"George, what are you doing here?" Luna asked while rubbing her eyes.

"I've got breakfast and coffee! Can I come in?" George asked.

Luna could only be still as she was still trying to process what was happening. George let himself in after a moment leaving Luna to finally come to her senses as he entered without taking off his shoes.

"The hell do you think you're doing? Take off your shoes! We've talked about this, George!"

George sighed and slipped his shoes off. He put them in the bin beside the door and Luna gave him a pair of guest slippers from a nearby drawer.

He made his way over to the couch and sat down.

"You didn't answer the question, George. What are you doing here? I was catching up on sleep."

George began eating a biscuit from the bag he brought.

"I came to get you so we can go to the park! Gotta have a fun day!" George exclaimed.

Luna took the coffee from George and poured it in a mug from her own kitchen. She sat down in the chair opposite the couch.

"What do you mean? Why would we go to the park? We should both be practicing." Luna said as she sipped her coffee.

"You hardly ever have time to hang out on the weekends! Now is a good time to relax and have some fun. Eat up, get ready, let's get going."

Luna rolled her eyes and made her way back upstairs. The girl quickly took a shower and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. After grabbing a jumper, she walked back downstairs to see George looking around the house.

"I forgot how nice it was here." George said.

Luna's parents were fairly wealthy and could afford a better than nice house. They had a small swimming pool in the back and a very modern house setup. Luna's parents even had a jacuzzi in their shared bathroom.

"I appreciate it, now are you ready to go to the park?" Luna asked.

George passed by a picture of the Lim family on the mantle and nodded.

"Right, let's get going."

The two friends put on their shoes and walked outside. They hopped on their bicycles and got going.

Luna became confused when George passed the local park.

"Where are you going?" Luna yelled as she had slowed down a bit.

"The train station! We're going downtown, there's something cool there!"

Luna groaned but followed behind George off to the train station to head into downtown Brisbane.

They soon got off the train and headed. To the park within the city. Luna followed George with uncertainty, but not fear. She knew the city quite well herself, as she had brought herself here for many reasons.

"Why do we have to be at this park? What's wrong with the park back in the neighborhood?"

The Tanner-Wallace Conservatory had students from all over Australia. However, a good majority of them lived in the neighborhood near the establishment or in the neighborhoods surrounding.

It was in suburban Brisbane and still happened to be a business hub with buildings and lots of things to do.

"This park has something special." George said.

Luna rolled her eyes at his behavior.

"What possibly could be special here?" Luna asked.

They arrived at the sidewalk of the park. George pointed with a devious grin.

"That's what's special about this park. The sand volleyball court!"

Luna immediately stopped walking.

"You're joking! George, we're musicians! We can't hurt our hands, this is dangerous!" Luna exclaimed.

George continued to the bench by the sand court. He sat down and looked over at the people already playing.

"Room for one more?" George yelled.

"George, you made it after all! Of course come join us!" A girl with many piercings yelled.

Luna felt uneasy with everything.

"I've never hurt my hands and I've been playing here for almost three years now. Come join, you'll really like it!" George said as he kicked his shoes under the bench.

Luna sat down and crossed her arms.

"I think I'll just sit and watch. I can't risk not being able to play."

George groaned and took off his sweater.

"Oh come on, do you just not want to risk messing up the quartet?" George asked as he crossed his arms.

Luna was confused as to why George was asking this.

"I never said anything about the quartet, dumbass. I said I don't want to risk not being able to play."

George rolled his eyes. "If you say so. Stay here if you want, I'm gonna play."

"You do that, George, I'll be here."

Luna sat on the bench and simply watched as George risked the condition of his hands.

There was no way that Luna was going to sit there for any longer after about forty-five minutes. It was boring and cruel to her to just watch.

So Luna walked around the park. It was a peaceful, windless day. Winter was well on its way, and it was cooling down nicely.

As she walked around the park, Luna found herself looking across the street.

Staring at the Queensland Performing Arts Center.

The building wasn't exactly the Sydney Opera House. It was just another performing arts center.

However, it held a certain significance to Luna. She had performed in it many times in the past and would continue to perform in it for many years to come.

Her attention from the building was drawn by the sound of a cello.

She looked at the right side to see Oliver playing music by the sidewalk. A man dropped a coin in his open cello case.

"Busking?" Luna said to herself.

She didn't really think Oliver to be the busking type.

Today was just full of surprises, but Luna turned around and made her way back to the court.

Without seeing Brett and Eddy arrive shortly as she walked away.

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