25 | luna's violin

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Luna was fast asleep. Her father had been in and out of the house within a few hours, but Luna stayed fast asleep as always.

However, Luna was having yet another lucid dream. However, this one didn't turn into a nightmare within seconds.

Luna slowly woke up but wasn't opening her eyes. She felt someone laying down on top of her. As soon as she felt a hand under her back, Luna's eyes opened in an absolute panic.

She feared it was George again.

However, when she looked down at the person sleeping on top of her, it wasn't George.

Eddy was peacefully resting his head on Luna's upper stomach and his left arm was underneath her back, holding on to her tightly. His right hand hung off the couch they were laying on. His body was faced down and she could hear him breathing softly.

Luna reluctantly put a hand on his back and used her thumb to rub his back gently, making sure he wouldn't wake up.

She looked around to realize a few things. Luna was in her house, on her living room couch. Brett was fast asleep in the chair next to the couch with a blanket on top of him. She could also hear the snores of someone else, who she assumed was Oliver.

There was a little bit of natural light seeping into the room. However, the light looked a strange shade of orange.

Luna lifted Eddy up and slowly got off the couch. She walked over to the back door slowly, doing her best not to make noise.

She opened the door to see a dystopian sky. It was a color she didn't quite know how to describe. Shades of pink, orange, and purple littered what looked like extremely dense and soft clouds.

This absolutely had to be some sort of dream. The sky never looked like this. She wouldn't just wake up with Eddy on top of her and on the couch when she clearly fell asleep in her bed.

A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over Luna as she let out a large yawn. Without much thought, she made her way inside and closed the door.

Luna approached the couch she was sleeping on earlier to see Eddy now laying on his back, chest up.

Without much thought, she laid down on top of Eddy and rested her head right against his heart. It was beating slowly and his breathing was shallow. She felt at peace as she closed her eyes and wrapped his hands under his back.

And instead of being frightened into reality, Luna fell asleep peacefully to wake up properly in the morning.

Luna sighed heavily as she woke up on Tuesday morning. She was sleeping on her stomach, which she never did. The first thing Luna did was look up to see if Eddy was actually there.

He wasn't.

"Another day, another insane dream."

Luna got up and began getting ready for the day. She was absolutely confused about how this dream happened.

Or why the hell Eddy was such an integral part of the dream.

Luna wasn't complaining. In the dream, Eddy made her feel very comfortable.

Made her feel very safe.

Luna never asked for these lucid dreams. Some were good, some were bad. She truly didn't try to control them anymore.

She found that within the dream, Eddy was very easy to lay down with and just be close to.

Luna only wondered if he was that comforting in reality.

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