6 | sign language

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Luna was practicing in the living room when there was a knock at her door. It was Thursday, and it was way earlier than the time her father usually returned home.

She confusedly walked over to the door after putting down her violin that she had chosen to practice today. Luna opened the door to see her father's mother, her grandmother there.

"Grandmother, hello! Please come inside." Luna signed in Auslan, Australian sign language to her grandmother.

The woman nodded and made her way towards the couch. Luna closed the door and went to sit with her grandmother.

Luna's grandparents on her father's side were both deaf. Two of their three children were born deaf. Luna's dad was the first of the family to hear.

However, she had to learn sign language in both Taiwanese and Australian English to communicate.

"Luna, it is good to see you. What time will your dad be home?" her grandmother asked.

"He gets home around ten o'clock. Did you need to see him?"

Her grandmother nodded. This answer frustrated Luna a bit because when her deaf grandmother came over, she had to consistently entertain her.

While Luna loved the woman very much and treasured the time spent with her, it was a bit difficult to keep her satisfied. Luna couldn't play for her, which was her main way to please people instantly.

Luna could turn on the television, but she would feel guilty for not speaking with her.

"Well since he won't be home for a while, would you like me to make dinner?" Luna asked.

The older woman nodded once again and Luna began to take care of the woman.

George was pleasantly surprised when Luna was holding a coffee for him the next morning before their morning lecture period.

"Thank you so much!" George exclaimed. He took the coffee and had a long sip in appreciation.

"Of course, happy Friday." Luna replied as they began walking towards their lecture.

George felt a bit better about himself knowing that Luna had thought of him today. He felt a bit more secure about himself.

"So how was your evening?" George asked.

"My grandmother actually came over, my father's mum actually. Got to sit down with her and have dinner." Luna said.

George nodded. "Oh, the deaf one?" he asked.

Luna nodded.

"Oh, so you had to do the whole sign language thing with her yesterday. Bet you got a bit tired of that after a while." George said.

Luna frowned and looked over at the boy.

"No, I don't really mind. She's my grandmother and she's deaf. Definitely not a nuisance for me at all to sign to her."

"Oh, erm, sorry." George said apologetically.

Luna huffed in an annoyed manner at her friend. Just when George thought he was doing awesome, he messed up and gave the impression that Luna's grandmother might be a nuisance to her.

"It's whatever, come on we've got to get to lecture."

Brett and Eddy waited for Oliver and Luna to arrive at rehearsal. It was Friday and they were rehearsing after school.

They were actually planning to rehearse tomorrow at Eddy's house with the quartet. However, there was still the need to rehearse today.

The quartet had to rehearse to perfection. The end of the term concert was a graded performance and many higher-level educators would be judges.

"Do you think Oliver and Luna will be late?" Eddy asked.

"I'm not late, I'm here." Luna said as she walked up to the two boys.

Eddy jumped when she unexpectedly appeared. Brett grinned politely.

"Did I scare you?" Luna asked Eddy in a slightly joking tone.

Eddy chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, sorry, I just didn't see you there."

Luna shrugged. "Well, I'm sorry. It looks like Oliver will be late." Luna said.

Brett nodded. "Yeah, he's a bit unorganized and not the best with time management. He'll be by soon. Let's just head inside, our reserved time is starting."

The three headed inside the orchestra room and set up the chairs. Oliver still had yet to show up as they were tuning individually.

"Is he just not going to show up? You guys are friends with him, right?" Luna asked.

Eddy shrugged and Brett gave a sigh.

"I mean, I thought he'd be here by now. We might just have to continue without him."

Luna nodded. "Should I give an A?" she asked.

Brett nodded. Luna put her bow on her viola. She played the tuning note, leaving the two violinists to tune to her.

Once they were all in tune, they began their rehearsal without a cellist.

After a long, frustrating rehearsal, they all began packing away their instruments. It was difficult to improve without all parts of the quartet there.

Working without an important part of the ensemble was essentially counterproductive.

"So, rehearsal at my house tomorrow. How does one to three-thirty work for you guys?"

Luna had almost completely forgotten about the weekend rehearsals. This was slightly frustrating to her.

This was family time lost for her, but she accepted it.

"I can do that." Brett said.

Eddy looked over at Luna.

"I can be there, could you write down an address for me so I know where to go?" Luna asked.

Eddy nodded and took out an old sheet of music from his folder. Brett handed him a pencil and Eddy scribbled down an address.

"Here. Bring a stand if you can, but if you can't we have a stand on the piano." Eddy said. He gave her the paper and closed his case.

"I'll bring a stand. See you guys tomorrow." Luna said as she closed her case and picked it up.

"See you." Brett said as she left the room.

Luna read the paper as she walked down the hall. She could already tell by the street name that it would be about half an hour from her house.

Luna hoped that the weather would permit for her to make it to Eddy's house without problems.

She then noticed as she walked out the main doors that George had not waited for her today. Usually, he would wait for her and see her outside before she went home.

"I guess George didn't feel like waiting today." she said to herself. Luna shrugged and unlocked her bicycle.

The girl slipped the paper in her jacket pocket and headed home.

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