27 | back to school

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On Sunday, Luna woke up very late in the day. Saturday was full of couch sitting with Wendy and David for Luna. She loved spending time with her parents, but she wished she wasn't sick.

She woke up feeling better on Sunday and managed to get up without feeling any pain. Luna got dressed and headed downstairs to have lunch with her parents.

"Did you sleep well?" Wendy asked as she poured a glass of water.

"Yeah, I really did. I feel much better today." Luna responded.

"That's good, we were worried about you. Your father is on his way back from the store." Wendy said.

Luna sighed with a shake of her head.

Any time Luna got better after being ill in any way, her father would do an at-home checkup to make sure everything was alright.

"I'm going to get bombarded, aren't I?" Luna asked, well knowing the answer.

Wendy nodded and sipped her glass of water.

Now Luna's mother wasn't born the previous day. The moment she arrived home to her daughter, she noticed that Luna treated the jacket that wasn't hers a bit different.

She never let food spill on it. She wore it whenever she felt cold, despite the fact that she could wear her own jacket or sweater. She held the jacket in her arms like it was irreplaceable, even if it wasn't too obvious.

Wendy knew her daughter better than anyone in the world.

"So that jacket you're wearing," Wendy began. Luna calmly looked up at her mother without any concern.

"You've got a crush on the boy who owns that jacket." Wendy said with a smirk.

Luna frowned and shook her head.

"Erm, no. Eddy and I are just friends." Luna replied.

Yes, Luna ignored the fact that she had a lucid dream about Eddy. That she jumped off of a bridge with him. That she cherished his jacket for some strange reason.

She ignored the fact that for some reason, she was just drawn to him. And she didn't understand that he was just as drawn to her.

Wendy was confused. Her daughter's claim didn't seem like a lie.

Luna's mother knew one thing.

Her daughter was in denial of her feelings. She didn't understand why, but Wendy figures she might as well let her daughter figure things out herself.

"Well if you say so."

The doorbell rang and Wendy quickly went to answer it. There's no way it would have been her husband, David always came in through the garage door.

Luna waited to see who it was.

Wendy turned around to her daughter with a grin.

"It's George." Wendy said.

Luna approaches the door and George stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, mate, how've you been?" Luna asked.

"I've been okay. Erm, you canceled on Friday and I wasn't able to come check on you yesterday. Are you feeling better?" George asked.

Luna nodded and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I actually woke up feeling okay today. I'll be at school tomorrow." Luna said.

George smiled happily.

"Great that you're feeling better! Do you maybe want to go grab lunch now since you're feeling better?" George asked.

Luna's grin fell and shook her head slightly.

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