10 | viola jokes

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George immediately approached Luna while she was walking to her second lecture. Their schedules changed every other day, so George was seeing her for the first time today.

"Hey, I waited for you after last lecture yesterday. Bridget said you weren't even there." George said.

"Yeah, I decided to skip." Luna responded.

"Were you with Brett and Eddy?" George asked a bit too harshly. Luna shook her head.

"No, I was sleeping in the ensemble room. You know how I get when it's cold, I can barely stay awake." she said.

George shook his head. He wasn't buying it.

"Were Brett and Eddy with you while you were sleeping? Were they in the room?" he asked.

Luna frowned.

"No, George. I'm going to class."

Luna walked off without another word.

She set down her things and waited patiently for class to start.

"Can I sit here?" asked a voice, snapping Luna out of her thoughts.

She turned to see Brett pointing at the seat next to her. The Tanner-Wallace Conservatory had large lecture halls with long rows that had chairs placed at each terrace.

"Sure." Luna said.

Brett sat down and took out his notebook.

"Odd question, but do you like viola jokes?" Brett asked.

Luna looked over at him and shrugged.

"I'm more or less indifferent. Some are funny, some are not." she said.

"Can I tell you this new one I came up with on my way here?" Brett asked.

"Sure." Luna said.

He turned to face her in his seat.

"What happens when two violists jump off a cliff at the same time?" Brett asked.

Luna couldn't even process what this boy was on about, but she went along with it.

"What?" she replied.

Brett then slapped his hands on his legs at different times. He smiled big at her waiting for her reaction.

After a moment to process his joke, Luna began laughing profusely. Usually, she found these types of jokes stupid, but something about the way Brett delivered it made her smile.

"That awesome!" Luna said in broken laughs. Brett began laughing with her, leaving the two to be incredibly giggly.

Luna took a few deep breaths before talking again. She was able to take viola jokes so well because she was also a violinist. It was perfect for her.

"Oh, I've got one, I've got one." Luna said.

"How do you get to viola players to play in tune with each other?" Luna asked.

"How?" replied Brett.

"By asking one of them to leave!" Luna answered.

The two burst out laughing instantly. They were lost in their own little world of viola jokes.

Many around them would have mentioned that they were being a bit loud, but the jackets they were wearing gave them a higher social status. Especially considering Brett was the concertmaster.

Essentially the most known person in the entire school.

Nobody would dare tell the concertmaster and a principal musician of the TS to be quiet.

So they continued being lost in their own fun little void.

Their void of viola jokes.

After their lecture, Luna and Brett walked to their orchestra rehearsal together. Once they made it into the concert hall, Brett pointed at Eddy.

"I'm gonna tell him the new one I made up." Brett said. Luna gave a reassuring nod and they both approached Eddy, who was tuning his violin.

"Hey, Eddy. What happens when two violists jump off a cliff at the same time?" Brett asked.

Eddy looked at the two in confusion.

Brett then referenced the hitting the ground at different times, despite the fact that the violists supposedly jumped at the same time.

Eddy began laughing along with Luna and Brett. They discovered that Brett's new viola joke was definitely a winner.

By the force of viola jokes, Luna had actually grown maybe a little closer to Brett. It was kind of an odd way to get friendly, but there they were laughing happily.

And as George was setting up his harp a few rows back, he watched in rage as Luna laughed with Brett and Eddy.

Luna's solution to fighting the sleepy cold was hot coffee. There was no remedy better than an Australian cup of coffee.

When she arrived at school the next morning, Luna had time to sit down on the commons and relax.

There were no worries, no stressful matters, and no concerns for Luna.

That was until George completely interrupted her train of thought about how peaceful she was feeling.

"What were you and Brett and Eddy laughing about yesterday before rehearsal?" George asked. He didn't talk to her the rest of yesterday out of fear that he would lash out at her.

Yes, he was angry, but he didn't want to upset Luna.

"Oh, Brett came up with this really good viola joke. I'd tell it to you, but I don't think I can do it justice like he can." Luna said.

George kept his cool and completely managed to hide the fact that he was upset.

"Well aren't viola jokes kind of mean to violists?" George asked innocently.

Luna shrugged.

"It's a bit different. I play violin just as much as I play viola so I kind of see why they're funny. Shoot, even as solely a violist, I still think they're funny." Luna said.

"Well, alright." George replied flatly.

"By the way, do you want to come to my place for dinner tomorrow? My parents wanted me to have a friend over for dinner, so are you willing to come?" Luna asked.

This made George feel one-hundred times better already. She was inviting him, not Brett and not Eddy.


"Yeah, I'll be there. What time?" he asked.

"Well, I've gotta be at Eddy's for rehearsal after lunch, but I should be home by six. Does that work for you?"

And just like that, George was angry again.

"Yeah, six is fine." he responded without any kind of emotion.

"Great, back to my peaceful day now." Luna said.

Well, not exactly.

Things wouldn't exactly go right later in the day for anyone really.

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