11 | power outage

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Luna made her way to the concert hall after her lunch break. She needed her last audience hour and today was the last day to turn them in for the week.

When she entered there were many students who had put off their audience hour to the last minute, leaving quite a crowd for the performers.

Luna walked to the front half of the audience seats and looked for a seat. She then saw Eddy and Oliver sitting in the fourth row.

She quickly approached them so she wouldn't have to sit with people she didn't know.

"Hey, can I sit here?" Luna asked as she pointed to the seat next to Eddy.

Eddy looked up at her and grinned.

"Yeah, sure."

Luna sat down and crossed her legs in the seat again.

"Must be a lot of pressure to be performing on Fridays." Oliver said.

Luna nodded.

"So glad I don't have to perform anymore for audience hour." Luna commented.

Eddy looked over at her for a moment.

"Was it a good performance experience? Was it at least a little helpful?" Eddy asked.

Luna nodded.

"Honestly, yeah. It was a good performance experience and I got good feedback. It's still nerve-wracking to perform in front of about one hundred plus people on Fridays."

Eddy nodded and the first performer walked out. It was a violinist playing Czardas, and very well.

Then Luna got lost in the music, closed her eyes, and felt the chills take over her body.

Luna, Brett, Eddy, and Oliver were hard at work in their rehearsal. Everyone was working up a sweat, there was no need for their jackets.

They finished the piece and all immediately sulked back in their chairs. They still had a lot of things to work on, and this rehearsal was getting harder and harder.

Oliver leaned on his cello for support. Brett squinted while looking at his music, most likely in need of new glasses. Eddy sat back and combed back his hair with his hand.

Luna closed her eyes and leaned back on the chair. She was becoming mentally exhausted to the point where she wanted to stop for the day.

"Okay, how about we play through bar sixty to bar one-hundred-two," Brett said.

Luna nodded and everyone put up their instruments. They began playing through the section of the music.

About halfway through, the lights shut off, and the heater stopped making sound.

"Oh shit." Oliver said a bit too loudly. The quartet stopped playing entirely.

The room they were rehearsing in had no windows to the hallway except the door, meaning it was basically pitch dark in the room they were in.

"We can't see anything." Oliver said.

Brett sighed so loudly that everyone else could tell it was him.

"No! Really?" Brett said. Luna chuckled at his sarcasm and began to feel around for her case. Luckily it was underneath her seat.

Putting away her instrument was muscle memory, so in no time, Luna had her viola in its case.

"I can't even see the door. Let's all group up and try to get out together." Brett said.

Luna stood up and immediately bumped into someone.

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