23 | the lucid nightmare

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Luna was sleeping peacefully. Nothing was wrong. David was asleep downstairs and Wendy was sleeping in her firehouse.

But Luna suddenly began fidgeting in her bed. She was having a lucid dream that felt a bit too real.

Luna didn't have her eyes open, but she didn't know that someone's lips were on hers. She had forgotten what that had felt like after it had been so long since she last kissed somebody at AYO camp.

But someone was gently holding on to her waist and had their lips moving smoothly against hers. She wasn't exactly opposed to what was happening, but she still didn't know who it was.

So Luna went along with it.

One hand was on the side of his face, the other was on his chest. He felt firm, yet lovingly soft. The boy was being gentle, yet assertive.

She wanted to know who this was.

Was it Oliver? No. Oliver didn't seem like he ever had a desire in kissing Luna. Brett? Sure they were friends, but he also had a less broad back than the one she was touching right now. Was it Eddy? Were his hands the hands holding onto Luna and was it him who she was so randomly making out within a lucid dream.

And then she heard a chuckle.

It was not Oliver's.

It was not Brett's.

And it was not Eddy's.

Luna knew that laugh anywhere. That voice was far too familiar in her mind. She opened her eyes and jumped back from the boy, who was sitting in front of her on her own bed.

Luna could feel the burn of George's hands on her skin and on her lips. Her hands felt tainted as she looked the boy in the eye.

"George?" Luna said with shock. George just smiled at her and wiped his mouth with his hand.

"Yeah?" he asked while he caught his breath.

Luna backed up a little bit more. This was not happening. George was not in her bed, he was not touching her body, they had not been making out.

Luna shot up from her laying down position and began panting. George wasn't in front of her, Luna was alone in her room.

She immediately jumped out of her bed and dashed to her bathroom sink. Luna turned the faucet and forced a handful of water into her mouth.

Sip, rinse, spit. Sip, rinse, spit. Over and over again.

She had to get the taste that wasn't even truly there out of her mouth.

Luna kneeled down and rested her forehead against the counter. Her heart raced with fear and anger.

Why was she having a lucid dream about such things with George of all people?

She wouldn't have been mad if it were Oliver, despite the fact that Oliver wouldn't do such a thing. To be honest, she wouldn't have been too shocked if it were Brett.

But Luna really thought, and had even mildly convinced herself that it was Eddy. She even slightly hoped it was Eddy. That's just who she assumed it would most likely be.

But no. Of course, it had to be George.

Luna stood up and made her way back to her bed. She stared at it for a moment before shaking her head and crawling in.

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