33 | an interesting question

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Luna was doing way better than she expected. For a couple of days, she was very clearly upset, but after that, she seemed fine without George.

It's like without him, Luna felt better.

She would eat lunch every single day with Brett, Eddy, and Oliver. They were fun to talk with and Luna appreciated them more than ever.

Things were looking up for Luna.

They sat in a practice room the next Monday during lunch hour. They were eating their lunches and chatting about random things.

"So, rehearsal today after last lecture period. Do we feel ready?" Brett asked his friends.

Everyone nodded. Luna had been working incredibly hard to not slip up on the opening.

"I think we're gonna kill it at the last concert. We need a quartet name!" Oliver said.

Luna took another bite of her food and shook her head.

"What, are we going professional or something?" Brett asked.

Oliver shrugged.

"Doesn't matter if we are or aren't. A name would be so cool!" Oliver exclaimed.

Luna entwined her hands together and looked over at Oliver.

"Alright, Oliver, whats our name then?" Luna asked.

"O.B.E.L. or OBEL. The OBEL quartet. Sounds about right." Oliver said.

The other three took a moment to process what Oliver said.

"Dude, is that the first letters of our names? And is yours first?" Brett asked.

Oliver brushed doff his shoulder and nodded.

"Yes, yes it is. I declare this our official quartet name." Oliver said.

Luna shook her head and turned back to her.

"Another day, another groundbreaking Oliver idea."

"Wait she went to your house?" Eddy asked.

Brett nodded.

"Yeah she had a fight with George and then she came to my house to talk about it." Brett said.

Eddy felt disappointed. Why didn't she go see him instead of Brett?

"George apparently got mad because of you. Because she's, erm, close with you. You, know cause he's in love with her and she doesn't even have romantic feelings for him." Brett said.

Eddy was coming to a realization.

"Wait..." Eddy said.

Brett looked over at him questioningly.

"You're saying..." Eddy said.

"Mate, get on with it." Brett said.

"She basically chose me over her best friend?" Eddy said.

Brett shrugged and then nodded.

"Well yeah, I-"

Brett didn't have time before Eddy left the practice room. It was currently their free period, and Eddy now found a new priority.

Luna was walking to go practice Paganini when she saw Eddy sprinting towards her.

"Eddy, what are you-"

She was suddenly pushed back in a massive bear hug. The wind became knocked out of her and she coughed once.

Luna wrapped her arms around Eddy's back and caught her breath.

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