15 | two weeks

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There were two weeks until the end of their first term. Their last day would be on a Friday, and their performance was on the following Saturday.

It was Monday, and they were starting dress rehearsals the following week.

Luna sat down for her literacy lecture. She took out her notebook and pencil to prepare for class.

The lecture rooms were large in the conservatory because there weren't many of them. The smaller and less large rooms were specifically for the actual arts.

Suddenly, someone sat down next to her. Usually, people would ask.

George would say something as he walked up to her, but she looked over to see Eddy.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" he asked.

Luna shook her head.

"No, you're alright." Luna said.

And then proceeded the lecture with peace.

During lunch hour, Luna sat in a practice room to eat. She laid her jacket over her legs and tried to warm up while eating.

George opened the door and dropped his bag on the floor in an aggressive manner.

"Oi, what's wrong wi-"

"Why did you go get bubble tea with them on Friday?! Why did you lie about rehearsing?!" George yelled.

"We decided to end early and just get some tea. They invited me, it was a quartet outing, was I not supposed to-" Luna was soon interrupted.

"You could have gotten bubble tea with me! You don't need to go with them, they're just in your quartet, not your friends!" he continued yelling.

"George, plea-"

"I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND!" George screamed.

"GEORGE, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Luna screamed back in response. She panted once and shook her head.

"What the hell is your problem, George?!"

George dramatically fell to the ground and began crying. Luna was deeply disturbed by what was taking place.

Apparently, a peaceful lunch was too much to ask.

"I'm really stressed out, I've been overthinking everything! Seeing you hanging out with them made me feel alone and unimportant! I just wanted to get you tea, but seeing you already with tea was the last straw in my bad day!" George cried out while sobbing.

"What the fuck is going on right now?" Luna mentally asked.

"George, I just went to get bubble tea with my quartet. Relax, we're still friends, you've got nothing to worry about." Luna said in the calmest way she could.

George continued to cry.

"I'm sorry it's just been rough. I've been struggling with academic work, my teacher is mad at me, and I ran out of my pills last Wednesday." George said.

Luna's face fell and she sighed. Of course, this was all spiked from his uncontrolled anxiety disorder. He didn't act very overbearing unless he was on his medication.

The thoughts that George's mind would cook up when he didn't have his pills were often too much for him to handle, causing unfortunate incidents.

Luna decided that this wasn't about her. This wasn't about the fact that she felt incredibly offended that he had been very rude to her.

She decided to believe it was justified on his part.

"George, you're going to be okay. Come here." Luna said.

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