30 | staying on

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Brisbane weather was not especially kind the following day.

The winds were howling, light rain drizzled through the air, and the clouds blocked the view of the sun.

Luna still did not even dare to take the train.

When she walked into the school, she immediately took off her jacket. It was still cold outside and she truly hated it.

It was just not a good day to be Luna.

As she sat through her orchestra rehearsal she just begged time to move faster so she could eat a hot lunch.

Luna looked to her left to see Oliver smiling at what she presumed was his cell phone on his stand.

She frowned and Oliver soon looked up. Luna was looking right at him.

"What are you doing? What are you looking at?" Luna signed to him in Auslan.

Oliver frowned and shook his head while pointing at her hands.

It was typical of Luna to forget who she was speaking to. Oliver didn't know sign language.

"What are you doing?" Luna mouthed while pointing at his stand.

Oliver's face went red and he instantly shoved his cell phone in his pocket.

"Nothing. I'm not doing anything!" Oliver mouthed aggressively.

Luna rolled her eyes and looked back at her music. The first violins were currently being grilled through a section.

It had been at least five minutes that they had been at it. Brett looked tired. Eddy looked frustrated.

"Oh, the ease of being a violist." Luna thought to herself.

Then she was shocked out of her thoughts when Doctor Shard's baton tapped the stand.

"Violas! Let's run through measures one hundred and two through one fifty-nine a few times." the man said.

"Shit. Never mind then."

Luna sat down in the back of the concert hall while eating her lunch. She found that she was so hungry that she wanted to eat during her audience hour.

She would then be able to use her lunch hour for practice time.

Paganini's fifth caprice was a hard hitter. Luna's teacher was adamant about her using the original bowings as well.

"If you're going to play it, play it the right way." said her teacher months ago.

Luna had no problem with learning the notes. It was the bowing that killed her constantly.

As she sat in the back of the hall she watched the performances one after the other. Many were younger, some were older. Lots of wind players had been performing through the past week or so.

But Luna wasn't paying attention to the music. Her mind was running rampant with random thoughts.

They were as follows.


Three one, three-one.

Eddy? Eddy!

Oliver girlfriend? No...

Debussy forgot about Debussy.

It's chilly.

New strings?

Bubble tea!

Jacket. Eddy's jacket? No!

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