29 | george's feelings

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tw: potentially triggering phrases about extreme obsession/signs of mental illness

Later, on Friday evening, Wendy and her daughter sat on opposite ends of the couch while watching the local news.

"You should invite those quartet boys over for dinner on Sunday. We'd love to meet them and get to know them." Wendy said.

Luna looked over at her mother with a small grin.

"Okay. I'll ask if they're free."

George laid on his bed and while looking at a picture on his shelf. It was him and Luna when they were fourteen.

He remembered that summer at the Australian Youth Orchestra camp. The picture was taken just as they were about to board the plane. Luna was even shorter than she was in current times.

They were so young, they were so happy.

Now she seemed to want nothing to do with him.

That camp was full of wild events. Two weeks away from home in Sydney that year proved to be life-changing for George.

It was two in the morning on Thursday night. The first week of AYO camp was nearing its end.

Boys and girls weren't allowed on each other's hotel room floors. However, George and Luna sat down next to each other in the lobby to chat.

"Do you think we'll ever actually date anyone? We're so lonely all the time." George said.

Of course, young teens' entire worlds revolved around being interested in other people. Raging hormones and the longing feeling for some else's validation raised the minds of George and Luna.

"I'm sure at some point we'll have people who want us." Luna said.

George crossed his arms and shrugged.

"At this point, I don't know. We're already fourteen and no one has wanted us." George said.

Luna being Luna decided to make a joke out of the situation.

"Hey, if neither of us are happily in a relationship at age twenty-eight, we'll marry each other." Luna said, only slightly serious.

However, she had no idea how seriously George took it.

"Deal." he said with a light chuckle.

Luna looked over at George to see him staring at her with wide eyes. She could see her reflection in his eyes.

The world went still and George pressed his lips onto Luna's. She instantly kissed her best friend back. No hesitation.

He kissed her one more time before Luna backed away.

"Uh-I-I need to go to sleep. Goodnight George." Luna said before she rushed up the stairs to her hotel room.

And George was left there with a giant smile on his face.

Three years later, and she never said anything about it to him. He tried to mention it once, but she covered his words by the sound of herself practicing viola.

George cherished the moment forever. He kissed her and she kissed him back. It was like she wanted to kiss him.

Despite the fact that Luna kissed a different boy not even a week after kissing George, he always assumed that he had a special place in her heart.

The fact that Luna hadn't dated anyone or even expressed interest in anyone since the event made George happy.

He assumed she was just going to wait until the day they were both twenty-eight. The way she had been acting lately had been showing otherwise, but he had full faith in her.

He felt she was going to choose him over anyone else despite her new friendships.

Because George was absolutely in love with Luna. His best friend.

Everything about her made him feel complete.

But George wanted to be the only thing in her life.

Luna spent too much time lounging on the couch, her favorite free time activity.

Luna spent too much time with her parents when they weren't busy.

Luna spent too much time practicing and paying attention to music.

He wanted her to have nothing in her life besides him. However, he made himself compromise and only enforce such things once they married.

Because he was adamant that they would marry each other one day.

George deemed himself the only important thing in his self claimed future wife's life.

But in reality, she wasn't his future wife. Luna didn't want George. She was somebody else's future wife. There was no way she was going to marry George.

George believed he could fix that. He had a plan to get her to fall in love with him.

Because Luna was all George desired.

"This house is quite literally the epitome of sexy." Oliver said.

Brett and Eddy stood next to him while looking at the house from the sidewalk. Brett frowned and turned to Oliver once he processed what was said.

"I'm sorry, did you just call a house sexy?"

Eddy shook his head and walked towards the door. Brett and Oliver followed behind.

"What, am I wrong?"

Eddy shook his head and looked over at his friends.

"Can we not call the house sexy in front of her parents?" Eddy asked politely.

"Right, right, because you gotta impress the parents today." Brett said teasingly.

Eddy's face went pink and he shook his head.

"It's not like she's my girlfriend." Eddy said.

"Yet. Forgot to add the yet." Oliver said with no intention of joking.

Eddy shook his head in disappointment.

And then he knocked on the door.

Dinner was going wonderfully. David and Wendy truly liked Luna's new friends. They were kind, funny, and very polite.

To them, Oliver was quite an interesting character. He seemed to always be in a bright mood.

Wendy could tell that Brett was secretly a party animal who came across as reserved. He definitely had a lot of personality behind his seemingly quiet demeanor.

And when Wendy observed Eddy, she saw her daughter's personality slightly mirrored. Quiet, passionate, and strong. He had things to say as well but enjoyed relaxation. Wendy could tell he was a hard worker and would work incredibly hard to achieve his dreams.

But most importantly, Wendy and David noticed how happy Luna was with these people. They could tell their daughter was happy.

That she felt good when she was with her true friends.

author's note:

writing the section about george scared the shit out of me. i've never written a character that intense before. things will get better, i promise <3.

thanks for reading.

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