Chpt 16~discussion

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[three days since the movie night]

It was after school, Stan had invited Eddie and Bill over to study for a science test which was coming up.

Richie and Eddie had been avoiding each other since the movie incident, Richie hadn't even been sitting with the losers at lunch. The losers didn't know who he had been spending his lunch time with but they all guessed it was with Connor.

Seen as they were dating.

They started dating the day after the movie night, it spread around the school fast. But they didn't get any shit for it or any homophobic language used against them, mainly because Connor was related to Henry.

"Eddie, you ok?"

Eddie was instantly brought out of his thoughts to the sound of Stan's voice. They were all at Stan's studying but Eddie couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier at school.

[school day]

Eddie was strolling through the hallway to get to his class, 4th period. He had a couple books holding tight onto his chest, the school day was going fine until this one thing happened.

He wasn't that far from his classroom until he felt a hand touch him from behind. On his ass.

Eddie dropped his book in the shock and quickly turned around to face a boy. A boy who apparently slept with any girl or boy that he could. And now, he was touching Eddie's ass.


Eddie couldn't get his words out, he was hyperventilating real quick. He quickly reached to grab his inhaler from his fanny pack and used it until he could control his breathing. "Why did you just do that?" His voice had become shaky, very shaky.

The boy laughed with a smug face. "As a joke," he shrugged. "Maybe you could come round my house later," he added.

The boy reached down again to touch Eddie's ass once more but Eddie quickly stepped back. He could feel all the eyes on him, the eyes of the students that were all scattered around the hallway. Eddie took a look around to see all the students sniggering at the scene, he stopped as he noticed Richie... With Connor, Belch and Victor.

Eddie felt tears form in his eyes as he felt more and more uncomfortable.. That boy just touched him, without consent.

The small boy quickly puffed on his inhaler once more before he rushed passed everyone to head to the bathroom. He could feel all their eyes follow his body as he rushed through the hallway. As he was about to get to a turn, he passed Richie and his new mates. Eddie heard their chat before he got too far.

"He's fucking crying," laughed Victor.

"I have no fucking clue why he's crying man, have you seen how short his shorts are. He's practically asking for someone to touch him like that," Belch then laughed.

The last thing Eddie heard was them all laughing, even Richie. Whether it was a forced out laugh or not, Eddie felt like leaving school then and there. But he didn't.

Eddie just sat in the bathroom to calm down. He was hoping for Richie to walk in and tell him everything is going to be okay. He was hoping that Richie would come in and comfort the poor boy, but he didn't. No one came in.

Eddie was late to class, really late. He got an after school detention and had to lie to Stan and Bill about why he got the detention, they believed him.

[back to present day]

"Huh?" Eddie sat up on the bed as he was faced with Stan and Bill's faces. "Oh uhm, i'm okay," Eddie lied.

"You sure? You've b-buh-been out of it s-ss-since we c-ccc-came here," Bill questioned. "Y-yy-you can trust u-us."

"I know, it's just.. Richie has been ditching us for Connor, Belch and Victor," Eddie confesses, although that wasn't the main reason why he felt so out of it,

"We saw him after school with them, they were beating up some kid," Stan shrugged. "It's messed up, i know." Bill quickly gasped and looked towards Stan, shocked. Bill then asked. "W-wait. R-ruh-Richie was joining in?"

"He wasn't joining in exactly, he was just laughing. Looked like a forced laugh though, like he wasn't enjoying it," Stan explained.

"He probably was enjoying it," Eddie mumbled while picking at his shorts material. He wouldn't take his eyes off of where his shorts stopped. Was Belch right? Was i asking for someone to touch me with shorts like these?

"E-eddie?! Richie wouldn't enjoy that," Bill gasped.

"Well he enjoyed-" Eddie stopped himself from talking, he just stayed quiet.

"He enjoyed w-www-what?"

"Uhm, he just enjoyed leaving us for those dicks. The dicks who once tormented him, calling him flamer and a fag and shit ton of other names." Eddie grasped for a breathe before continuing. "He's d-ditched us for the ones who left a fucking massive bruise under my eye, it was there for ages. And-"

Eddie was cut off by Stan giving him a big hug, Bill joining in. It was a soft hug, Eddie needed that. It was way better than the ones that his mother gave him, the hugs she gave him were aggressive and uncomfortable. Although, the hugs he received from Richie seemed better in a way. When Eddie huffed Richie, he felt safe and felt like everything was fine in that moment. But he just guessed that Richie thought of the hugs as nothing.

Did he?

Stan then quickly questioned calmly, "Bev still talks to Richie, i could tell her to speak to him."

"Okay, sounds cool," Eddie whispered as he held tighter onto the 2 boys.

"Alright, w-wuh-we need to g-gg-get back to stu-studying," Bill stuttered. "The t-test is apparently r-rr-really hard."

Stan and Eddie agreed as the 3 of them released from the hug and got back to their books to study..

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