1. It's Trouble That Comes Looking For Me

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1. It's Trouble that Comes Looking for Me

The moment I see him, I know I'm in trouble. And that... That's a very bad thing.

All my life I've tried to avoid trouble. The fact that I'm here, however, is proof enough that trouble always finds me.

I'm standing in my new high school's ridiculously huge lobby, saying goodbye to my parents.

While my mother holds onto my cheeks and reminds me once again to call her right away if any of the boys bully me, I manage to notice him from the corner of my eye.

It must be his colored hair that stands out in my peripheral vision. Mum lets go of my face, then pulls me into a hug. Since he's behind her, I can now see him clearly.

Clearly enough to make out the amused smile on his lips.

"Behave yourself, Taehyung. This is the only decent school that would accept you in a hundred mile radius, don't forget that," my mother reminds me for possibly the tenth time in the last hour.

"I won't, Ma'," I promise, looking away from the guy. Why is he just standing there staring at us, anyway?

When Mum pulls away, Dad tousles my hair. "If you mess this up, you'll have to be home schooled."

My first instinct is to remind them that I didn't do any of what I have been accused of, but I bite my tongue. That's not part of the plan.

"Okay, Dad," I mutter in agreement. "Squeaky clean."

The reason why my parents are dropping me off at a boarding school involves a girl and a pregnancy.

Then, the reason why no school anywhere near my home accepted me: a girl's father who is a senior education officer who knows what strings to pull to keep an innocent boy perceived as a delinquent out of school.

Okay, yeah, so I'm not all that innocent but...

At least I haven't knocked anyone up yet.

Everybody else thinks that I have. And, well, that's what they're supposed to think. For the sake of my friend/ex-girlfriend, that's what everybody should always believe.

I don't blame my parents for shipping me off to a boys' boarding school. While it's true that I didn't knock up that one girl, I have quite the history with the members of the opposite gender. I can't point out a time in my high school life when I didn't have a girlfriend.

However, at this point, I would like to point out that in their hurry to get me away from all the girls they feared would ruin my future, - they got that all twisted, but never mind - my parents have taken me straight into everything I have ever wanted.

To be surrounded by attractive teenage boys. I mean, if the ones who go here look anything like the one currently eyeing us.

Not that I have any game when it comes to boys.

In my entire morally tainted existence, I have never once had the guts to walk up to a boy the way I so easily do with girls. Maybe that's because gay boys aren't exactly easy to come by in my neighborhood. Perhaps they're also hiding in the shadows, like me.

It could also be because I'm a coward. I long ago decided that since attractive girls do the same to me that hot boys do, there's no use in coming out and bringing the hordes of homophobes down on me.

But him... Looking at him now, my mind goes blank.

Homophobes who?

"Honey, we have to go," my mother's voice breaks me out of my daytime wet dream.

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