28. Little Tae

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28. Little Tae

School was getting busier as the end terms approached. I was glad about it, because it meant that I had less time to wallow in my misery.

I rarely ran into Jimin. And since that night when I texted him and Hoseok replied instead, I never tried to do it again.

Hoseok on the other hand was super busy. He had to prepare for both the end terms and the dance competition, so he always left the from early and came back late.

I was worried about him because he didn't see to be getting any rest. But I never got the chance to talk to him about it.

The week when I got back after my weekend trip home went by in a blur. Before I knew it, it was Saturday again...

And this time, I was determined to keep my promise to Hoseok.

He looked ecstatic when I told him that I would be going with him, and it lifted a weight that had settled in my heart for about a week. It meant so much to me to be on good terms with Hoseok. I didn't want him to get mad at me or treat me any differently.

Only until we got to the bus did I realise that Jimin was not coming.

"Where's Jimin?" I asked him.

"Oh. He, uh... he wasn't feeling well," he replied.

I perked up in worry. "What's wrong with him?"

Hoseok stared at me, saying nothing for a few seconds. Then he gave me a small smile. "He's fine, Tae. No need to worry. You know how dramatic he is. He's got a cold but acts like he's dying the next minute."

Dramatic... yeah. How I wished he was just being dramatic when he terminated our friendship.

The day went on fine, especially because Hoseok's team won once again. If they won on the next meet, they would qualify for the national championship finals.

It was amazing watching him on stage. I had thought that he looked great during practice, but when he danced in front of the crowd, it was different.

He was almost like a different person. As if he had an alter ego that belonged to the dance floor.

And damn, was he hot while at it.

"Can you tell that I'm really happy you came?" he asked when we got back to our dorm room that evening. He was grinning, his hair wet from water that some of his teammates sprayed on him on the bus ride back.

It fell around his face in damp stragglers that made him look more attractive than usual.

Damn, Taehyung, my subconscious scolded, get a grip.

"Yeah," I replied. "You've told me at least a hundred times already, so I think I get the idea."

He pounced on me, pushing me back towards his bed and tickling me. "Don't be smart with me," he warned.

I tried to get him off me between pearls of laughter, but he didn't let go. I threw my head back on his pillows as his deft fingers assaulted my sides.

Then he stopped.

"Tae," he called, his voice apprehensive.

I leaned up, curious at his change of tone. "What?"

His eyes narrowed. "Are you...hard?"

I frowned in confusion. "What?"

What was...


Flipping hell.

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