27. Running Away

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27. Running Away

The next day, I met up with Natasha at a local park.

Natasha was my childhood friend who was basically the reason I ended up at Beachwood.

I didn't get her pregnant, but we made it seem that way so that she wouldn't get in trouble with her dad when he found out who she was actually dating.

Our plan worked and while I hadn't envisioned being rejected by every school in my home area as a result, going to Beachwood was a small price to pay to ensure she didn't face her father's wrath.

....or so I thought.

She was already at our favorite place beside the pond when I got to the park.

I noticed her from afar - she was kind of hard to miss, with her head full of dark, thick, and tightly curled hair. It was gathered a bun at the top, like she liked it.

I didn't get to make it to the bench she was seating at before she jumped up, rushing to me as she squealed in happiness.

I received her in my arms, happy to meet one of my closest friends after a while.

She looked much better than the last time we met. It made me glad to see her happy again.

We caught up as we walked through the park, and she apologised for how things went for me. Which she had already done profusely in the past, but which I didn't need.

I knew well what I was getting into when I agreed to help her cover up the real identity of her would-be baby daddy.

She didn't have the baby in the end, apparently she miscarried.

But that was now in the past, so there was no need to dwell on it.

We wandered around aimlessly for about an hour, until we decided to get ice cream from one of the vendors at the park.

"Tae, there's something I need to tell you," she said when we were waiting to get served.

I noticed that her tone had changed from her prior light one, so I gave her an uncertain look. "What is it?"

She gnawed on her bottom lip. Something that she always did whenever she was nervous.

I frowned. "Tasha... You're not pregnant again, are you?"

Her eyes widened, then she laughed. "What? No! Of course not!"

I grinned. "Great."

We got our ice cream and paid then moved to a nearby bench.

"So, umh..." she hesitated, staring at her mint chocolate chip ice cream.

I chuckled, amused at her hesitance. "You're making me apprehensive, Tasha. Just tell me."

She sighed, then turned to gaze at me. "Stan and I are back together."

I stared at her for several seconds, speechless. Shaking my head, I cackled. "Bad joke, Tasha."

But she wasn't laughing. She stared at the ground. "I know it seems like a bad idea..."

"Are you serious?" I interrupted.

She sighed again. "Tae... It's different this time. I-"

"Oh my God, you're serious."

Her lower teeth clamped on her bottom lip as she nodded.

I stared at her, as if I was looking at an alien. It didn't make sense. None of it did.

That douchebag was the reason why she got in trouble with her parents in the first place. He was the reason why I was at a freaking boys' boarding school. How could she get back with him?

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