6. Trouble in Paradise

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6. Trouble in Paradise

The days merge into each other, and before I know it, weeks have gone by since I joined Beachwood High. I make several calls to my parents, assuring them that I'm okay, not being bullied and making friends.

I guess I was lucky to get a roommate like Hoseok, and a friend like Jimin. They're both quite popular, and I think that's why nobody tries to bother me.

My classes are okay, JK is a great partner for art class, and I'm beginning to get used to being away from home.

Sometimes I go to watch Purple Lotus practice. Most times, though, I work on my art projects and avoid them because that guy, Yoongi, still likes glaring the hell out of me. Or pretending I'm not in the room. He's the first person who has ever showed dislike towards me, so I don't know what to think. I mean, it's fine if he doesn't like me, but does he have to be so passive aggressive about it? He acts as if we knew each other from another life where I did something horrible to him.

Anyway, besides that, I manage to lead a drama-free life in my new school until issues begin cropping up with my new favourite couple.

Yes, I said favourite.

Despite the fact that I'm attracted to Jimin, I acknowledge that his relationship with Hoseok is one of the most loving I have ever seen. I can't help but ship them. Each time they're acting all lovey dovey, I watch with stars in my eyes. All I can really do is admire what they have and wish I could have something like it.

Watching them makes me want, for the first time in my life, to be truly, emotionally invested in someone.

It's around ten o'clock at night and I'm in my dorm room, about to doze off. Hoseok hasn't come in yet. He has been busy with dance practice for an upcoming competition, and is spending most of his free time in the dance studio.

There's a small knock on my door, then the door is pushed open to reveal Jimin. The lights are on and I'm sitting on my bed, on my phone.

He looks at Hoseok's empty bed, then at me.

"Hi," he says, giving me a small smile.

"You're not asleep yet?" I ask as he shuts the door behind him.

"I couldn't," he says, walking into the room and standing beside my bunk. "I can't sleep if I haven't said goodnight to Hoseok. He isn't back yet?"

"No," I replied.

He's in a pair of pajamas, a blue and white striped set. His hair isn't parted at the center the way he usually wears it for school. Instead, it falls into his face, almost covering his eyes.

"He's practicing too hard," he whines, leaning against my bed and rubbing his eyes. "Even when he has got all the moves right, he always feels like he has to do more."

"Maybe that's why he's so good," I comment.

He sighs then agrees, "Yeah."

I finish up with my phone and lean over to place it on the tabletop.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Jimin asks, quiet unexpectedly.

I shake my head, "No."

"Why, are all the girls in your home area blind?"

I chuckle and push his shoulder. "Go away." If I counted how many times he flattered everyone around him, I would be stuck doing math for the rest of my life.

He smiles, then walks over to Hoseok's closet. "I hope he comes back soon, he knows I can't sleep if I don't talk to him," he mutters, rummaging through the clothes. He emerges with a large brown teddy bear in his arms.

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