22. Stop While Still Ahead

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22: Stop While Still Ahead

The next day, I walk into the detention room with my head low. I head straight to the teacher's desk and hand her my slip.

I look up briefly, looking for a lone corner to hide in.

Yeah, I haven't yet seen Hoseok-hyung today.

I went back to our room very late in the morning, when I knew he would be gone. At the dining hall, I sat with Jungkook and his friends.

I haven't seen Jimin either, and I want to keep it that way.

There are three people in the room already. Two boys that I can't recognize, and Yoongi.

Yoongi is seated at the back of the class, his chair propped against the wall. His feet are on the desk, and he has a pair of headphones on.

I don't think he has noticed me. Good.

I clasp my bag and head over to the corner at the back, furthest away from Yoongi. Hoseok will undoubtedly sit with him, so I think it's a good idea that I stay away.

Besides, Yoongi and I are not really that close, so it's not like I can just go and sit with him.

I'm almost at the corner that I have my eyes on when his voice reaches me.

"I don't bite, you know?"

I stop, unsure that he's talking to me. But when I look back at him, sure. His eyes are on me.

He taps the seat next to him. "Sit here."

I open my mouth to... Express my surprise? I stop gaping and head over to him, smiling at him.

"Are you okay?" he asks when I take a seat.

I nod. When I first got here, I never would have thought that a day would come when me and Yoongi were sat together like this, him asking about my wellbeing.

His lips pull up in a smile, exposing his perfectly aligned teeth. I think this is the most perfect set of teeth I've ever laid eyes on.

"Tell me if anyone bothers you, okay?"

I nod. At the same time, I remember that stupid rumor about us.

"I'm sorry about... You know... The rumour."

Yoongi waves his hand in dismissal. "Its nothing. And it isn't your fault, anyway."

I nod, getting comfortable in my seat. He really is nice, isn't he?

"Oh, by the way I got a demo here for our new music, would you mind giving it a listen? Then tell me whether it's shit or not."

I blink. "Me? Your band's music?"

Yoongi nods. "Yeah. We want to make a mix tape."

"Really? Yeah, I would like to listen!"

"Great," he says, taking his headphones from around his neck.

He hands them to me, and I place them over my ears. He switches the music on, and a heavy beat fills my ears.


About twenty seconds in, I mouth to him, "It's good," giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up.

He nods, seeming pleased. It really is good. These guys are only in high school, I wonder how much better they'll get if they pursue this after school.

I hand back the headphones when I'm done. "It's great," I tell him.

"Thanks," he says. "Joon-ah and I worked our asses off for this. And we had to keep changing things up cause Jimin and Beomgyu are two little picky shits. Oh, speak of the devil."

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