16. You Need Attention, I'll Give It

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16. You Need Attention, I'll Give It

"Who did this to you?" Jimin asks, taking a seat beside me and touching my face.

I flinch when his finger touches a particularly sore spot, and he apologises.

"Nobody," I mumble. My mouth feels too heavy to speak. There's a throbbing pain in my jaw.

"Oh, really. So what, the wind kind of just knocked you around?"

I nod. At this point, I'm not really aware of anything other than the feelings that are rising inside me.

Jimin sighs out loud. His hands hover over my face, wanting to touch it but afraid to touch a sensitive spot again. "We've barely been separated for an hour and somehow you manage to get your face beaten blue."

"It's not blue," I mutter helplessly.

"No it's not. It's purple."


His hands drop to the bed, a look of dawning on his face. "Was it Liam?"

Just the sound of his name fills my mouth with a bitter aftertaste.

He didn't do anything...

But... What if...

What if Yoongi hadn't shown up?

What if....


His hands are on my face, wiping my cheeks. I hadn't even noticed I was crying. Rolling over the bed, I turn my back to him and hide my face in the pillow.

Silence prevails inside the room for quite a while. Jimin doesn't make a move, and I try to control my sniffles.

I know he knows.

After what seems like really long, he rests his hand on my back. It rests there, a slight, comforting touch.

"He didn't... He didn't, uh..."

He seems to have trouble asking, but I know what he wants to say. So I just nod. I whisper, "Yoongi came."

There's another moment of stillness, but only for a few seconds. Then the mattress shifts a little as Jimin settles behind me. His body curves around mine from behind, and his arm comes around my waist. He's warm, and his presence makes me feel better, while at the same time making my tears run faster.

A few seconds later, Jimin nudges my hand. He hands me a bunch of tissues.

"Thanks," I mutter and blow my nose. When I'm done, I mumble, "I shouldn't be crying. He didn't get to do anything."

"You do what you want," Jimin states. "That's the only thing you should do."

It brings a smile to my face. But smiling also makes it hurt, so I stop.

"Yoongi wanted me to report him," I admit, twisting the tissues in my hand. "But if... If people know what happened... I don't want to be that guy. Who everyone looks at and..."

I shrug and trail off. Jimin knows what I'm talking about, anyway.

I don't want to be that guy. Everything was okay at my old school. I was popular. Kids admired me. If it gets out what Liam tried to do to me, I wouldn't be able to bear that kind of attention.

Am I being selfish? Letting him get away with it, and then maybe he'll do it to someone else? A chilling thought crosses my mind. Who knows how many times he has tried something like that on other boys here at school?

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