15. Avenging Angel

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15. Avenging Angel

What I see next through my blurry vision is a flash of black, then Liam is gone from on top of me.

Scuffing, groans, cursing.

I pull myself to a sitting position, a dizzy feeling forcing me to close my eyes. I lean against the wall and try to regain my breath.

As I slowly come to my senses, I hear Liam's laugh. "What you gonna do about it, huh?"

The sound sickens me to my stomach and finally, my lunch escapes its confines. I get sick all over the floor, only barely missing my legs.

"I'll end you, idiot."


That's Yoongi's voice.

My eyes open. Yes, it's indeed Yoongi, pinning the asshole to the floor and pumping his face with fists. Then Yoongi comes to his feet and kicks Liam in his side several times.

Yoongi must have given him quite a thorough beating because he just lays there, grabbing his side, groaning, and making threats.

With one last kick, Yoongi turns away and approaches me.

I have no idea how he found me, but that doesn't matter at the moment.

He hunkers down beside me, his face in a grimace as he studies mine. It must be blue, purple or some other funny shade.

"Can you walk?" he asks.

I nod.

He stands and lifts me by my arm. He starts to lead me out of the door, but I, once again, remember phone.

"He has my phone," I tell Yoongi. "In his back pocket."

Yoongi lets go of me and I lean against the door. He walks back to Liam, who's still writhing on the ground.

Yoongi turns him over with the tip of his boots to expose his back pockets. Then, reaching down, he retrieves my phone.

When he brings it to me, I see that it has gained a new series of cracks across the screen. But that's the least of my worries right now. Half-stumbling, I make my way into the washroom.

I wince when I get a look at my face in a mirror.

My lips are swollen and my cheeks are a deep shade of red. I splash my face with cold water and rinse my mouth.

Yoongi stands at the entrance and watches me. He's dressed all in black. Like an avenging angel. He looks good in black.

When I'm done, I walk back to him.

"Thank you," I tell him.

He's like my angel, always appearing when I need him.

"Don't thank me yet," he says. "Let's get you to the nurse first."

I'm about to agree to that but something occurs to me. If I go to the school nurse, I'll have to explain what has happened to me.

Hell no.

"I'm fine."

"Have you see your face?"

"It'll heal by tomorrow."

Yoongi sighs. "You know what? I don't give a shit about your face. What's important is getting a report in about that asshole."

"A report?" I mumble.

"Yes, a report. If you're lucky, it'll get him kicked out of the school."

Okay. I'm getting the idea. Yoongi wants me to report Liam. To report that he had... Had...

I shake my head. "It doesn't matter," I say and try to walk past him.

But Yoongi won't have that, and grabs my arm. His eyes narrow into slits.

"You do know what he could have done to you if I hadn't interfered, right?"

I try to free my arm, but I don't seem to have enough strength to.

"Do you? Do you want him to try it again?"

I swallow.

And say nothing.

I'll stay away from him...

I'll never walk around alone... I'll...

Maybe it's time I told my parents the truth about the girl I supposedly knocked up so that they can find me a day mixed school. Hell, maybe home schooling isn't such a bad idea after all.

Meanwhile, Yoongi is getting seriously vexed at my reluctance to report Liam to the school administration.

He lets go of my arm and paces for several seconds. After a while, he stops and addresses me. "Do you really want him to get away with it? If you don't rat him out, he'll keep doing this to you and to other kids. I bet he wouldn't have been around to try it on you if Jimin had-"

Yoongi cuts himself short.

If Jimin had what?

"Come," he says suddenly. He turns and walks away.

I follow, not daring to ask the question in my mind.

He leads the way upstairs, gets to my floor, then makes the way to my room. He motions for me to unlock the door, and I do.

When we get in, he takes out his phone and begins texting. "I want you to stay here," he instructs. "I'll deal with it."

Deal with it? What does that mean?

"Don't tell anyone," I mutter.

"That's up to you," Yoongi assures me.

I take off my hoodie and sit on my bed. Actually, I want to get rid of all my clothes and throw them into the trash, but I can't do that while Yoongi is still in here. A couple of minutes later, there's a knock on the door.

I tense instantly but relax when it's Jimin who comes in.

"I'm here, what's up?" he asks Yoongi, looking between us.

His eyes widen and he rushes to me. "What happened to your face?"

Yoongi taps his shoulder. "Stay with him and don't leave his side."

"Wha...what happened?" Jimin stutters, looking between the two of us.

"Ask him," Yoongi tells him. "I gotta go now."

Then he leaves, and it's just Jimin and me.


Yoongi to the rescue again, huh. Little Meow Meow has turned into a feral lion who's gonna drag that asshole's ass through the jungle and dump him with the trash.

Thank you for reading :) 💜.

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