18. Falling for You

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18. Falling for You

When I wake up in the morning, Hoseok is gone.

My cheeks grow warm when I recall last night. It was really, really nice to cuddle up to him like that...

I reach for my phone beneath my pillow and check the time. It's half past seven. Since it's Sunday, I'm in no hurry to get out of bed.

There's also a text, and my heart skips a beat when I see that it's from Jimin.

Jimin: I'm sorry I left. I don't know what's wrong with me. Please don't be mad at me 🥺

My heart clenches, and I worry that he has been troubled since he left yesterday. He sent the text at 5.45am. Did he get any sleep at all?

I reply; I'm not mad at you

He replies a few seconds later; oh. Thanks. I miss you.

I miss you too, that's what I want to say, but instead I reply; you know where to find me ;)

Jimin: Is it that hard to say it back?

Oops, he isn't letting that one slide.

I reply; do I have to say it? you know I do.

Jimin: I need you to tell me so that I can really know.

Me: Jiminah, so demanding

Jimin: 🥺

Me: stop being cute

Jimin: 🥺

Me: stop using that emoji. it melts my insides 😩

Jimin: 🥺

Me: ugh

The door opens then, and Hoseok comes in. But he's not alone. Jimin is right behind him.

Hoseok wiggles his brow at me. "What are you smiling so widely about?" his eyes drop to my phone. "Texting a crush or something?"

"Not...not...no!" I deny immediately, holding my phone upside down on my lap. "No one."

I can feel my face heating up. I hope he doesnt notice it. I don't miss Jimin's little smirk though.

Hoseok rests against my bed. "You remember that I told you we would go somewhere today, right?"

I nod.

"Well, it's to my cousin's. His name is Sejin. He's throwing a farewell party for his girlfriend who's going to study abroad, so we are crashing."

"Can we do that?" I ask. I mean, yeah, we are allowed to leave the school during the weekends, but can we go to a party?

"Why the hell not?" he asks.


He reaches forward and touches my face. "Your face is back to being all handsome again."

Oh, my face!

I grab my phone to check myself on the screen, only to find another text from Jimin glaring at me.

Jimin: Why do you look so cute in the morning?

Can he stop flirting already? His boyfriend is right next to him.

"Nobody should look that good first thing in the morning," Jimin says, smirking.

I rub the back of my neck and glance at Hoseok for a second. "Well, I... I slept really well last night."

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