9. I'm Beginning to Like You too Much

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9. I'm Beginning to Like You too Much

"So, are you and Jimin friends?"

"Yeaaaah," I draw out my reply to Jungkook, since I'm distracted. I'm trying to color inside the lines of a drawing, but my hand keeps shaking. Giving up, I sigh and sit back.

"Are you cold? Why are your hands shaking?" Jungkook asks, stopping working on his canvas and staring at my hands.

"I... I don't know," I reply.

Well, actually, I do know.

My hands...my heart...a lot of things in my body have been shaking since yesterday afternoon.

It was just another day of sitting with my new friends at lunch. Jimin sat between me and Hoseok, as he often did. It's a few days after their little spat, but they seem to be okay now.

I have a feeling Hoseok finally gave Jimin what he wanted. Or maybe they simply cannot stay mad at each other for long.

Anyway, everything was going just fine until Jimin pushed his knee into mine.

I know, I know. No big deal. We were all seated closely to each other. There was bound to be a few knees touching each other.

It happens.

I let it go and stamped out the warm feeling that filled my chest and the accompanying tingles.

The problem is that he did it today too. About an hour ago, at lunch.

Jimin was engrossed - or so it seemed - in a conversation with Hoseok and Jackson, when I felt him knee push into mine again.

My heart lurched on contact, and my eyes quickly swerved to him. But he didn't look at me or even give any indication that he was aware of the sudden contact. Three seconds later, he pulled his knee away.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what has me feeling all gooey inside and why my hand cannot stay still enough to hold a coloring pencil.

Jungkook reaches over and takes away my pencil. "Give it a rest."

I don't argue with that. Yeah, I need a rest. But more than a physical one, a mental one. I need to stop overthinking Jimin's harmless actions. I thought coloring would help me focus enough to work on my painting, but my mind can't seem to move past this afternoon.

Park Jimin is a seasoned flirt. The hands-on type. Touching people's thighs, patting their cheeks, even bumping their knees underneath the lunch table.... That's standard behaviour for him.

No need to think too much into it.

"Be careful," Jungkook comments, going back to working on his canvas.

We are in the art room, just the two of us. It's past nine o'clock and most students have left for the dorms.

"What?" I ask, drawn from my inner thoughts.

"About Jimin. You said he's your friend."

I frown, confused about the direction the conversation is taking. "Why do I need to be careful?"

Jungkook places his brush on a holder. Raking his fingers through his light brown hair, he says, "Don't fall for him."

My eyes widen. "What?"

He shrugs. "You're my friend, so I thought I should warn you. This has happened quite a few times. Some new cute guy starts hanging out with him... Next thing you know, they've fallen for him and been left heartbroken."

My frown deepens. "Well, first, I'm not gay. Second, it's not his fault if they fall for him, yeah? It's clear that he's in a relationship."

"When it comes to Jimin, it doesn't matter whether you're gay, straight, or a unicorn. His effect is the same. Secondly...it's not just about the other guys falling for him. He leads them on."

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