Chapter Two.

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Victoria's POV

The weekend is over and back to the grind I go. If you love what you do it never feels like work. I'm a first grade teacher and I love being around my kids. They're all so different and unique which keeps me on my toes. But there's one thing that's beats being a teacher, being a wife to my amazing husband, Preston. 

We don't have the perfect marriage, we go through our ups and downs just like everyone else. But we work through them and keep it moving. Although lately we seem to be a bit detached from each other. I feel like I can't get through to him, the communication is lacking, and the intimacy is damn near dead.

The sound of Preston's alarm clock brought me out of my thoughts. I walked into the bedroom and straddled his waist. "Wake up, counselor."

Preston opened one eye then quickly shut it. "Five more minutes." He groaned.

"No, time to get up babe." I leaned down and began kissing him all over his face. He wrapped his arm around me and flipped us over. "Tell me what I did to deserve waking up to your beautiful face everyday."

"You married me." I said.

Preston leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. He leaned down and kissed me again but this time a little tougher. His hand went between my legs and I squeezed it with my thighs. "I think we should stop.." I suggested.

"Babe come on, I have a big day in court and I need something to calm my nerves." Preston aid.

"Preston I'm sorry..I just.."

"Save it, it would be nice if I could have sex with my wife every once in awhile." Preston said.


Preston went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. I went in shortly after and began applying my make-up. It was kind of hard to do because my husband was relieving himself in the shower. He came out of the shower and went on with his morning routine like nothing happened. I stepped into my side of the closet and put on my outfit for the day.

When I came out Preston was putting on his suit. Anytime Preston has a big court case he's always nervous, and when he's getting dressed he can't seem to get the button's on his shirt right. I stepped in front of him and buttoned his shirt for him.

"I don't know why you get so nervous before court. You always come out on top." I said.

"I know but there's always the possibility that I won't and that gets to me. I want to be the best." Preston said.

"And you are." I picked up his necktie and put it around his neck. "You know why I married you?"

"I was the finest chocolate brother at Howard, duh." Preston said. 

"That's part of it. But I admired your determination and your ambition.  Nothing stands in the way of Preston G. Howard and his goals." I said.

"You want to know another goal of mine?" Preston asked.

To be a father.

"Tell me." I said.

"To make you the mother of my children." Preston said.

I finished tying his tie and straightened his collar. "Do we have to have this conversation right now?"

"Yes. Babe we have a great life, we're both doing great in our careers, we're financially stable, let's start a family now."

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