Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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*Time Jump*

Normani's POV

How we ended up here I do no know? In the blink of an eye things can go from really well to heartbreaking the next. Life definitely has a way of getting your attention.

My grandmother, my heart, the keeper of my deepest darkest secrets is in the hospital fighting for her life. I went to the house to spend some time with her on the weekend like I normally do. I went to the bathroom when I came back she was sitting in her recliner unresponsive.

The doctor confirmed that she had a stroke and to prepare ourselves for the worst. Hearing that news broke my heart. There's so many things in my life that I want my grandmother to witness. I don't wanna imagine life without her.

Even though Preston and I aren't back together he's the one I want here with me right now. I've been calling him he isn't answering his phone at all. I've left him countless texts and voicemails hoping he'll respond.

My parents have been in the room with my grandmother but I can't bring myself to go in there. Anytime I see the nurse go into her room I get scared. If I'm not sitting down I'm pacing back and forth trying to get in touch with Preston.

Dad came out of the room and stood beside me by the window. "I know you don't wanna do it but go on in there and have a moment with your grandma." He said.

"A moment or my last moment with her?" I asked.

"Baby girl this hurts me just as much as it hurts you. But just remember the good times you had with her." Dad said.

I started tearing up and walked away because my emotions were at an all time high. To calm my nerves I went and sat in the chapel. I didn't say anything I just sat there and had that alone time with myself.

In the midst of that I felt a hand on my shoulder. Dinah Jane to the rescue. She sat beside me and gave me a hug. "I got here as soon a so could. You know how New Yorkers get when it rains, they can't drive." She said.

"I'm just glad you're here." I said.

"What have the doctors said?" Dinah asked.

"The end is near." I said.

"That's never easy to hear." Dinah said.

I laid my head on Dinah's arm and began to cry. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight. "I've been where you are boo. The best advice I can give you is go in there and let her know how you feel. It's gonna hurt like hell but you don't wanna look back and wish you had done it."

"She can't even talk, D." I said.

"But she can hear that's all that matters." Dinah said.

Dinah was absolutely right. I took a few minutes to gather myself before going into my grandma's room. Her eyes lit up when she saw me coming in. I sat at her bedside and held her hand in mine. It hurt me to the deepest part of my soul seeing my grandma that way. I could tell she wanted to communicate with me but she couldn't.

"I love you grandma, I don't think you understand how much either. You have been there through everything that's happened in my life. I've told you things I haven't told anyone else before and I never had to worry about it getting out. Like I don't think you understand how much you mean to me. That's why it's so hard doing this right now..."

The tears just started flowing at that point and they weren't stopping. I continued to talk to my grandma until I ran out of words to say. After venting to my grandmother about everything I was at peace. I stayed the night at my grandma's side.

When I woke up she had transitioned.

My mother was crying and my dad was comforting her. I walked out of the room feeling at peace but numb at the same time. My walk was very similar to a zombie.


Preston was walking towards me but I ran into his arms. "Baby I'm so sorry, I tried to get here sooner but the flights back home were messed up."

"It's okay I just need you here now." I said.

"I'm not going anywhere this time I promise. Anything you need I got you." Preston said.

I really hope he stays because I can't stand another heartbreak.


And we're back and we are back with a tragedy 🥺

Thoughts? Ideas?

Also thank you for all the love you guys showed Tragedy and the love loving you're showing for Revenge, it means a lot. If you haven't checked those out you should.

And good luck to anyone that's started school especially the graduating class of 2021. I know this isn't how you imagined your senior year but keep your head up and keep pushing because something better is on the way. ✊🏾🎓

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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