Chapter Fourteen.

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Normani's POV

Moving on is so hard to do when your heart is involved. I thought that I could remove Preston from my life and I'd be able to bounce back. But it's not going as planned. I'll be fine one moment then I start thinking about us and my energy changes.

It's Thanksgiving day and instead of me being happy and thankful, I'm laying in my old room at my parents house miserable.

"Normani, you still in your room?" Grandma asked.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

My grandma came in and took a seat at my desk. "You've been in this room all afternoon baby."

"I'm not in a celebrating mood, grandma." I said.

"Wanna talk about it?" Grandma asked.

"I kicked Preston out of my life and it's hurts like hell." My grandma reaches in her bra and pulled out a blunt. She parked it and took a hit. "That's some good stuff, my god." She said.

"Really grandma?"

"I'm sorry. You pushed Preston out of your life. Why?"

"I saw him with his wife and I realized that me and him will never happen. He's a good guy grandma and he doesn't want to break her heart." I said.

"But yours is broken." Grandma said.

"Into a million piece and I don't wanna cry about it anymore. But I don't know what else to do. Grandma I've never loved a man the way that I love Preston. And it hurts me even more knowing that I'll never have him again." I said.

My grandma blew smoke in the air and handed me a tissue because I had tears in my eyes. "Sweetheart, I don't think any of us know why y'all broke up. One minute y'all were in love the next you sitting up in your room crying over him."

"Grandma, he wasn't the only reason I was crying." I said.

"I'm on the edge of my seat sweetie, tell me." Grandma said.

I really didn't want to dig up this memory but I have to.

~Back Down Memory Lane

Normani @ 17

"Come on Justine hurry up." I said as I waited patiently in her car.

My nerves are already on ten and waiting on her isn't making the situation any better. I'm sitting in the passenger's seat of Justine's beat down Nissan Altima waiting on her to come out of Wal-Mart. I've never done this before and I'd like to get it done quickly.

After about fifteen minutes of waiting Justine was walking through the parking lot with the bags. "So much for a quick shopping trip." I said.

"Sis, the lines were backed up and there were something that I needed, so I got them. Let's go back to my place." Justine said.

We drove back to Justine's house and went to her bathroom. She grabbed the large bottle of water and handed it to me. "Chug it." She said.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Bitch yes. Hurry up." Justine said.

I scrunched up my face and took the bottle straight to the head. Justine went into the other bag and pulled out five Clearblue pregnancy tests. "Did you really have to buy five?" I asked.

"You can never be too sure." Justine said.

"I gotta pee." I said.

Justine stepped out of the bathroom and let me do my thing. I'm late, I've gained a few pounds, and my grandma keeps saying she's been dreaming of fishes. There is a slight possibility that I'm the fish she keeps dreaming about. I'll admit me and Preston been going at for awhile now. And even though I'm on the pill we don't use a condom or he doesn't pull out every time we have sex. Dumb, I know.

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