Chapter Twelve.

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About a month and some change later

Normani's POV

Hey Normani, it's Preston. Can we talk, please? Mani I'm sorry I had to take you down in court but your man was guilty and I had to get him off the street. I miss you and I need to talk to you. Call me when you get this message. Bye.

Mani, I get you're mad but you could at least talk to me about it.

If I call one more time and you don't answer I'm coming over.

"Girl you must've whipped it on him for him to be leaving you voicemails like that." Dinah handed me a glass of wine and sat next to me on the couch.

"We never had sex, recently anyway." I said.

"So what went down with y'all? One minute y'all meeting up for drinks, going on coffee dates, the next minute you can't stand this man." Dinah said.

"It's not that I can't stand him Dinah, I just...I got a reality check and I guess it woke me up." I said.

Dinah took sip of her wine and sat it down on the coffee table. "And what was that exactly?"

"He's married."

"I thought we established that in the beginning?" Dinah asked.

"We did, I guess it's one of those things I just tucked away in the back of my mind. But I went to his parent's anniversary dinner and I met his wife. Then I saw them too dancing together and it hurt." I said.

"You really do love this man." Dinah said.

I nodded and started playing with the ring on my necklace. "If he does slide through just hear him out."

"Dinah I don't even know what to say to him." I said.

"Tell him how you really feel." Dinah said.

"Normani, open up its me."

"Speak of the devil." Dinah said.

Dinah grabbed her things and headed out. Preston invited himself inside and I met him at the door. I was supposed to be mad but couldn't deny how good he looked in his grey sweats and white long sleeve shirt. I locked the door and walked back over to where Preston was standing.

"Why are you even here?" I asked.

"I'm here because I care about you." Preston said.

I scoffed and folded my arms, "Save it for your wife Preston."

"Normani, just let me explain."

"No you let me explain! Seeing you again gave me butterflies Preston. I hadn't felt that in awhile. I knew you were married and I thought that I could look past that. But I see the way you two look at each other, the love is there. And seeing you, the man I love with someone else hurts me to my core. It breaks my heart because I know you and I know your heart. You're never gonna leave her, you don't have it in you to do that." I explained.

"Normani breaking your heart is the last thing I want to do."

"But you don't want to break hers either."  I said.


"I can't make this choice for you Preston, you've gotta do it for yourself. I have to protect my heart, Preston. So here's what I'm gonna do, I'm cutting you off. No more phone calls, no text messages, no meeting up for drinks after work, nothing. I can't do this anymore." I said.

"Normani we don't have to do this." Preston said.

"We don't, but like I said, I have to protect my heart." I reached behind my neck and undid the clasp on my necklace. I placed the necklace in his hands. I walked over to the door and opened it for him.

Tears were forming in Preston's eyes and I couldn't look at him. Once he was out of my apartment and leaned against the door and cried. I did not want to lose him again but I had to think about myself. If I kept letting him come back in it was just gonna damage me even more.

But it hurts like hell.


I know it's short but it's something for you guys.


Also if there are riots and protests going on in your city, I'm praying for your safety. If you do go out and protest be alert and safe at all times. I love y'all and we gon get through this 🖤✊🏾

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